At the beginning I tried to do something with the Bitmap Font Wizzard, but what I created was awful. I could not find the right settings so I resigned from that.
Took me two days to understand how to do it. Now it is easy. Now I just use a graphics program( Gimp ), and hex editor( Notepad++ ).
If you want to translate Stranded II into other languages, you can use these fonts.

These fonts may be used to represent text in Western European languages such as:

Of course English and German to

These fonts may be used to represent text in Central European languages such as:

It may also be used with the German and English language.

It took a little bit but finally finished

If any character looks different than should look, just write about it.
These fonts may be used to represent text in languages used Cyrillic such as:


Have fun.
edited 7×, last 13.12.11 06:49:09 pm