Stranded II
Lagg like hell -.-
Lagg like hell -.-
1 reply Ok , i've played stranded 2 , it ran fine , but my g force video card died.Now i have an ATI Radeon 5700 and i just dont get it how can i have so much lagg on such a video card .. When i turn down to the ground with butterflies , i see the game in like 10 fps.. I have my drivers installed , then what could the fucking problem be ? That's why i hate these fucked up ATI cards , they always seem to be problematic ever since you buy them .. -______- DC Admin
Blitz3D/Stranded II still uses DirectX 7 which is very old and therefore not well supported by some modern video cards / modern drivers.
moreover if you are using win7: I think that some old directX versions are emulated with software and do not use video card hardware acceleration.
only solution I can think of is trying to find other (maybe older) drivers.