Stranded II
Models requested.
Models requested.
3 repliesQtw User
I am requesting some models for a mod.
I am a terrible modeler at the moment and have no idea how to animate.
Anyway if you have models that i could use please send them to me. but dont just send what i request.
Anything you send (as long as its not an adults only model) will most likely be put in there.
Just make sure to tell what its for and its name. and if its animated just send me the whole script for it. its id number is not necesary.
what i require at the moment is
A zombie,A market building,New houses,Chieftain home,shaman hut,new native and other people models (For new tribes and shops). also for the natives make their tribal clothing either a different style or color. or perhaps both.
i want them to be more unique. remember anything you can make will most likely be put in there.
and i will credit your work unless you request to be secret. ill simply put shy in the credits. I suggest you download Blender and start scouring YouTube for some tutorials on how to use it, it is a lovely modelor and i learned how to use it within a week, actually under week. It supports .3ds which Stranded II also supports. The reason I'm saying this is that very few users on these forums will sacrifice their own time just to make you a model, plus, you obviously have quality standards that vary form everyone elses, and don't you want your zombie to look a certain way, or want your new villager to be holding a spear? all of this is fairly easy to make in blender. If you are going to take this seriously you should take a look at the thread i started a while ago, Phytechnic has a whole lo of stuff you want to try in his spoilers. But, that is not meaning that someone will post youa model
Qtw User
well i already have blender but i am no good at models...
i did all of the tutorials and i still suck at them.
i also use some of the models i make even if they suck...
but i cannot animate i cannot figure it out.
and as for quality standards mine are quite low...
they just have to be better than mine and that would be
very easy to achieve.
i do however thank you for the advice and i will try harder
on blender now.i do still request the models.
thanks again. Cool, enjoy. Blender has become easier with the realease of new versions, try downloading Blender 2.49b, I use it, and i learnt it fairly easily. I still cannot animate to save my life so i guess I'm not one of those few people that will give you models either