
How to have same model, but retextured.
7 replies

1. you change only the graphic-file, repaint it in paintshop or similar -> the easy way
2. use this stuff (original ms3d-collection of all Stranded II modells) honor to the work of DC - dont forget
so you can replace the texture in other sectors or groups on the faces of the modell (have to learn milkshape 3D) -> strong choice (unfavorable my choice)
see my mod(with user-help):
edited 1×, last 14.04.10 07:59:00 pm
Copy the native model ("native.b3d") into a different folder from the original (something like "gfx\NativeNewSkin") and copy "nativeskin.jpg" in there as well.
Then, simply repaint the texture how you want it to be and reference the new model from that folder.
For example:
### New native id=something icon=whatever model=gfx\NativeNewSkin\native.b3d
The reason this works is because model to texture links do require the file name to be the same, but they are relational to their folder.
Official permission. So the files live will definitely continue.
But mentioned by name does not harm

to convert animated modell to b3d, use export option in milkshape-> export to BlitzBasic3D(b3d) be sure, by opening the b3d-modell in editor, if texture has an relative path not an absolute(can read in first row of cryptik data in file).
sorry for bad english