
I need some tips in making a Stranded II Mod
8 replies

funnyguy26 has written
I want to make a stranded II mod that will make people from sad to happy so i just will need some tips cuase im a noob in this moding stuff.
Play Stranded II to death. Try every mode and read the .inf files to get an understanding of how the game is constructed from these script files. Read the Stranded II FAQ and the help pages at . After you have done that, think about how you want to change the original game and how you will accomplish that.
Next... Ask for help for something specific, like "how do I create a script for...", not just "How do I make a stranded II mod".
The answer to that question is already answered here >>
funnyguy26 has written
psytechnic you really help out thanks.. vibhor i wanted to know How to make new buildings and Items and food thats all im not that good with scripting and im a little good with modeling
Glad I could help. But try to see this as a new learning experience. Try things through trial an error, learn from examples in the game scripts themselves and let me help you with a hint.
Buildings must link to a unit or an object by setting an "objectid=" or "unitid=". Have a look in buildings.inf for examples and follow up the ones you like by reading the related object files. An advanced windows search makes light work of this or you could go once step better and use DC's very own Omnireplace, available from the downloads section here >>
Combinations are heavily reliant on items, but they are also linked to some gfx when they have a "genname=" definition.
Objects, Items and Units can be considered non relational, with the only exception that their ID limits (the range of IDs you can set) is strictly defined in game.inf.
If you ever set a relational ID that doesn't exist, the game will complain about it.
talls has written
This really works guys.
By the way, it's "here" not "hear".
Hear = sounds, hear stuff.
Here = right here, position.