Hey Everyone, sorry for being away for more then a year, Playing stranded and all kind of got boreing reeeaal fast, needed a break. so to get started i wanted to ask how do i start modeling? where do i go for infomation and possibly a programme that can help me modle intems easy and fast?
Ever played WoW? i was thinking maybe on developing a mod that relates to World of warcraft.
First i'll give a example: Inmagin being in a Giant kingdom thats been turned to ruins over many years, your a lone fighter left in a scarred battle field, your job is to figure out how it happen and why? Well actually this is more of a story then a example, but when i start drawing some modle ideas i'll prob ask for someone to modle them for me, i'll post pics of my ideas.
i've always liked games that involed those campy style places. but to get started i would soooo enjoy it if some people could maybe help me on my first mod?
P.s I don't care if this takes all year to complete, aslong as i learn scripting and modling it'll be all good! Admin/mod comment
title optimized. /DC Hi. I wanted to make same mod, but related to W3TFT. I can script levels, e.t.c. Modelling programs: Milkshape3d(ms3d), Blender, DeleD(doesnt support animation), 3dsmax(3D Studio MAX)... Vectar666 has written
Modelling programs: Milkshape3d(ms3d), Blender, DeleD(doesnt support animation), 3dsmax(3D Studio MAX)...
Milkshape3d(ms3d) is Commercial
Blender is Free
DeleD is Free
3dsmax(3D Studio MAX) is Commercial
and another app is Wings3D, again, without animation support and Free. Psytechnic has written
Vectar666 has written
Modelling programs: Milkshape3d(ms3d), Blender, DeleD(doesnt support animation), 3dsmax(3D Studio MAX)...
Milkshape3d(ms3d) is Commercial
Blender is Free
DeleD is Free
3dsmax(3D Studio MAX) is Commercial
and another app is Wings3D, again, without animation support and Free.
But you could
Admin/mod comment
Putting your illegal stuff into spoilers doesn't help. It's illegal even when you do so. /TheKilledDeath Vectar666 has written
But you could, by downloading the crack!
Illegal, however. Try at your own risk!
Well i've thought over about this mod and i've came up with a idea, Im going to make 5 example maps of my idea for this.
These example arn't going to be a reprosenitive of my *Real* work just examples to show a thought.
After i've made these example i'll start with the Anamation and modling Ect.
Edit: i'll post my maps here later.
Edit: Well actually after some thought did anyone ever consider how good this may become if it went to multiplayer? it would really be a minature SMORPG for stranded.
:EDIT Am i allowed to use Kidnap mod? because i created 1 and 1/2 maps from Kidnap mod? do i have permition to use it? edited 2×, last 08.02.10 08:09:18 am
You are not, as long as HudaJan doesn't tell you you are. And HudaJan is away. Hey ! i dont think hudajan is away cas i asked for the permission too he aggreed and gave a message well this is unexpecting but did anyone notice it says hudajan has been unactive for 2 months!?. i could be waiting ages before he replys.
I'll start by making these maps on normal Stranded
And also who again is helping with this? lol need to see my work crew
Ahh, Here i made the first example map of what to expect about the ruins i was talking about, But actually the ruins will be 10 times bigger then this one
Link : http://www.filefront.com/15535589/Example%20Map%20One.s2
Enjoy fiddle around with it post me back your idea *IF* anyone has any for this mod. edited 2×, last 08.02.10 10:45:17 pm
You can upload map on this website..:D Is stranded based on LAN connection with multiplayer? or just INTERNET. just asking.
Because im thinking about making a multiplayer cp based on this mod.
Or is Multiplayer broken? i mean i go to play on multiplayer except sometimes it freezes, or theirs a error. Ect you get the point.
EDIT: Can someone give me the link for the original Gradirs mod, that mod is awsome. edited 1×, last 11.02.10 03:28:34 am
gundam has written
Is stranded based on LAN connection with multiplayer? or just INTERNET. just asking.
Because im thinking about making a multiplayer cp based on this mod.
Or is Multiplayer broken? i mean i go to play on multiplayer except sometimes it freezes, or theirs a error. Ect you get the point.
EDIT: Can someone give me the link for the original Gradirs mod, that mod is awsome.
Making S2 multiplayer is extremely complex. So far, only OracleFile and RoyalFlash have managed to pull it off by changing the source code of the program. That project is still in development and it's release, although titled "beta" is more like a late-end "alpha". Multiplayer in S2 was originally designed for both LAN and net use, but was never completed, I assume this is because of the grand complications that come with making the game multiplayer.
This is strangely reminiscent of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, where the developers at ID software accidentally made a game that was far too multiplayer orientated, making it almost impossible to make a single-player mode. This effectively killed the project, but bless the guys, rather than scrapping the project, they released the game as freeware and opened the source code to everyone. I understand our complicated it can be to create specific
Map/mod, But atm my idea is to simply create some simple ideas to share with everyone, then maybe later on this year start getting into the learning of modding and scripting, this is always another reason why im calling out for help so i know who is their to support me in this creation.
Creating a mod like this would be a great achievment not only for my experience but surelly for every one who will help me in this project/test.
The reason why i say this as a test is because this is my first time, and im trying to test my skills in a creative way.
For a example.
My first map is the staple start for my next map example number 2, which is then developed on till final creation, And then from their continue into the modding.
My plans are simple.
Create a long cp based Modification.
In my opinoin this is Exellent way to be played on multiplayer.
And yes i've played Rtcw and it's a brilliant game, and in my opinoin it's a awsome Multiplayer game, infact Alot of people today still play it, and if most of you havn't noticed, The new ws game is out on Xbox360. gundam has written
cp based
What do you mean? Or should've wrote. *Adventure Based*.
Cp stands for Campaign based.
Okay Here it is!
Example 2 Link:
I spent alot of work into this, And i forgot to script the sighns lol.
Alright. give me a opinoin on how i did!.
Main area which is the spawn point, is the main camp site. The far east gate leads to the mining area which is the main recorce for Iron ore a large export, and leads to a cave blocked by fences, inside the cave is both Crystal and gold ore.
The north gate leads to a swampy land, full of broken fences old debre and a shattered land scape.
The far west gate leadsto the farming area The main recorce of food for the island.
Long ago dueing a great war between both Humans and Orcs, the humans were in the lead, they had the strength and the will to win, but the orcs were a shamanistic race, allowing them to slip past every battle.
Dueing the retreat of the orcs, they split up into distance lands, islands. They needed the tools and recorces to succeed, they distributed their peons to multiply on islands.
So now when the orcs are low on recorces to expand, they can relly on the peons shipping exports, sending iron wood and food products to give the orcs a boost.
Now the humans have returned back to the cursed land in the forrest of avinar, To take over their old destroyed kingdom, and eventually spread far south, to the islands of Crastar.
While the orcs prepare for war, the humans are prepareing for restoration and support from their far allies, the nativs. a primitive race that has a high recorce of Foods, and they have their own farming industry which gives the natives a strong risistance against femine and plague.
The orcs have only the will of magic and the rage of their brutish race. while the humans live a wealthy and a powerfull life!.
Okay everyone Give me some feed back! every map i release i put double the effort and work! edited 1×, last 15.02.10 08:27:31 am
Hmm, story looks like warcraft 
Is it for multiplayer? No, not really for multiplayer, but like i said before it would be a Awsome multiplayer experience.
Now before i start working on the release of example three, shall we begin modeling or wait till further along the track?
1: new camp fire models,
2: new types of trees like, dead trees.
3: new House's, like a large tent structure, or a uncompleted Building of some type.
These are just some things i want to start off with.
I mean, if S2's multiplayer was fixed, i would create maps or Mp like death match's, Constructions, maps like those,
All my life i've always been a very building loving person, always loved making beautifull structures with a nice scenery, but this is my first time using a programme like this.
I use to do modding for Notrium a survival/adventure game, which i indeed new how to script and model new objects,
but s2 is far more complex and i know absolutly nothing. i think you are starting from the wrong side.
FIRST you should make some design, write down things and mechanics to be implemented, what kind of game is it going to be, its goal and the means to reach it. see what available engine is capable of, design some data models, make schematics.
ideas in the type of "i wanna make mod, there will be orcs, humans and new campfire / trees models, who wants to help?" usually end pretty fast, on very first bump