
DJ-Menj has written
and probably meant expansion, modification. DJ-Menj is Czech and Google translate translates Czech "datadisk" as "expansion". So he's probably doing a normal modification, calling it "datadisc" because of a translator ;). datadisc

nmG has written
DJ-Menj has written
and probably meant expansion, modification. DJ-Menj is Czech and Google translate translates Czech "datadisk" as "expansion". So he's probably doing a normal modification, calling it "datadisc" because of a translator ;).datadisc
translator fail...
DJ-Menj has written
Dont fail.I tested it and its really expansion.
Why you always say "datadisc" then?

DJ-Menj has written
EHM,it can be said two words,or no? 

datadisc is something completely different
although its also a type of expansion
and its safe to call your "expansion" mod as its none other than that
and another thing is that
you learned your english by translator
good one
well enough of the off topic
are you really gonna release it in 20th?
New screens:
edited 2×, last 05.02.10 02:01:53 pm
DJ-Menj has written
Hmm,if I dont find bugs,yes,I will release it 20th.
New screens:
New screens:
Ehh... Will the buildings be as big as they look like? Couz they look very small!

edited 20×, last 13.03.10 02:13:22 pm
can u fix the Base color they have no textures

And will give you the textured base. If you do not have texture file, I can assign DeleD textures (for example, wall from my V666 mod tunnels) I read their readme and everyone can use DeleD textures for free, without permission
DJ-Menj has written
I try it.But it isnt easy.My small company made model but no texture..:(
you dont even own the model
you posted it without even giving credits to the creator
match it
its the same fault as paulas
takes model but dont know what textures are
Archive3D has written
Added by: Rudolph Paul
Paul... Is this irony?
you must be relating paulas with rudolph paul
then you are incorrect
Paulas name was paulik or sometin
but whatever
the main matter is that this is pure theivery
There was some guy paulas;
Then he was banned;
Appeared Dj-Menj and did the same thing - said that it is his model. And model was made by rudolph paul. I thought that irony is kind of humor... Maybe I am wrong
P.S. The name of Paulas800 was Pavel Kica

the evidence should be a chat image of you N him
I know that if image is edited or not so no use of being smart