
Source Modding
8 replies

this is gonna be fun

The First Thing Im Looking For Is Map Size So We Can Have Huge Maps That Only Run On A Computer With Like 2^999TBz Of Memory!!! Maybe, Instead Of Just Working On A Multiplayer, Maybe We Could Do A Distributed Computing Version Of Stranded 2? Thoughts?
But good luck with editing, maybe it will result in something useful.
But still i was expecting a crash, so larger maps would be playable on good computers if the maps were properly optimized, heck i think i might manage at making a large wasteland like map where trees and animals aren't that common, like a huge desert with an oasis here and there everything else is just miles and miles (not really miles but you get the idea) of sand.
A quick test showed it to be quite playable on my computer
-AMD Athlon x64 3000+

-2Gb RAM

-ATI HD 2400 PRO

Ominus has written
haha indeed, i edited the source myself (thanks to a friend for compiling it) to add larger maps, was just horrible lag, and thats on only a one larger size map, with a fully seeded 512x512 map my comp lagged hard when i played, i bet there was 100s of units on the map not counting the 1000s of other object such as rocks and trees etc.
But still i was expecting a crash, so larger maps would be playable on good computers if the maps were properly optimized, heck i think i might manage at making a large wasteland like map where trees and animals aren't that common, like a huge desert with an oasis here and there everything else is just miles and miles (not really miles but you get the idea) of sand.
A quick test showed it to be quite playable on my computer
-AMD Athlon x64 3000+
-2Gb RAM
-ATI HD 2400 PRO
But still i was expecting a crash, so larger maps would be playable on good computers if the maps were properly optimized, heck i think i might manage at making a large wasteland like map where trees and animals aren't that common, like a huge desert with an oasis here and there everything else is just miles and miles (not really miles but you get the idea) of sand.
A quick test showed it to be quite playable on my computer
-AMD Athlon x64 3000+

-2Gb RAM

-ATI HD 2400 PRO

you edit the souce code?
why you don't upload it?
Ominus has written
[...]so larger maps would be playable on good computers if the maps were properly optimized[...]
the problem with larger maps isnt only the computer's hardware.
the main problem ist the scripting language; blitzbasic is actually really slow.
putting less objects on larger maps might be a way to compromise the lag but that still doesnt work for all etenity for larger maps
amstel bier9 has written
you edit the souce code?
why you don't upload it?
why you don't upload it?
Because I have no knowledge of BlitzBasic nor do I own the program and I would have never had it compiled if I haven't found out about my friend having BB, plus I probably broke a few parts of the source when I was messing around.
Besides it wasn't that hard to find the map sizes and enable it since everything is already in there for larger map sizes.
I even thought of changing how the building and hammer works but i didn't understand that part of the code one bit lol
Also, thanks for the info Hurri04, it will keep me from wondering why it lags with too many or certain items/objects/units on the map