Stranded II
Advanced controls in mapping?
Advanced controls in mapping?
3 replies I love to play stranded 2, but when i try to map it alwayse turns out....well, lets just say an understatement would be bad.
When im raising and lowering terrain it usually ends up really bumpy, but if i click the smooth map button it smooths the entire island, usually messing the entire map up...My first question would be is there a way to smooth terrain only within the brush range?
Another, i usually find killing sharks in the ocean is a good source of food, and i know that unit spawn are usually things like nests. How do i make a spawn for sharks?
I cant think of my other question right now
but when i do, ill update it here.
P.S. Sorry if there is another place i can learn this, i did a search of the forums for an other thread like this one but found nothing. umm bad title ja?
well you have to place a spawn control in the editor info menu Thanks for the idea, I will try to include the smoothing of a certain place into MP Editor. ive seen the spawn control info, i just never tried to mess with it because i thought it might need a script to activate. I'll play around with it and see if i can get it to work like i want it later.