Stranded 2 in Spanish.Lakensis User Offline 30.11.09 03:38:55 am Is there a Spanish version? or it's only available in English and German. edited 1×, last 01.12.09 03:02:25 am
Re: Stranded 2 in Spanish.Vibhor User Offline 30.11.09 09:56:33 am no russian it was a mod in dev and its not in dutch ITS GERMAN but no Spanish
Re: Stranded 2 in Spanish.Lakensis User Offline 30.11.09 01:35:59 pm Ok, sorry for the error. Corrected I made this thread because I'm translating Stranded 2 by myself and i can upload the Spanish version later. I want to say that i translate better than i write, hahaha. So, if you consider that it's usefull, then i will upload it. Spoiler If don't understand something of what i say, please tell me o correct me, does no bother me, i continue learning. edited 1×, last 01.12.09 03:03:33 am
Re: Stranded 2 in Spanish.Vibhor User Offline 01.12.09 05:39:01 am good luck but there arent more spanish players maybe you are the only one?
Re: Stranded 2 in Spanish.Lakensis User Offline 01.12.09 12:12:53 pm Vibhor has writtengood luck but there arent more spanish players maybe you are the only one? Yes, this is what i'm seeing, well, in that case I'll make it for me. Thanks for read. you deserve a cookie
Re: Stranded 2 in Spanish.NNRodriguez User Offline 06.12.09 02:12:22 am Are two Spanish player of the game