
gather mod!
15 replies

ask them first b4 releasing
edited 1×, last 29.11.09 05:41:07 am
okay... but how can we get that mod? more information?
this all seems to be a bad joke.
EDIT = i might try and upload it some how ok.
EDIT AGAIN = its uploading: (im not sure if im going to get a virus but im hoping not. Its at megaupload
EDIT AGAIN = its taken 2 hours and only 7%!
ok its taking too long to make you sorry but i reckon not Believe the mod isn't Thaste good any way, sorry. um DC could you put this in trash or perhaps close it?
edited 3×, last 30.11.09 09:43:20 am
wait.... ok go ahead
Why is so big? What the hell have you put into?
edited 1×, last 02.12.09 09:12:35 am
Massive Mod
Gradir mod
Extension mod
DC's original mod
Xiolion mod
Mcleaf mod
Im asking permission to use your mod and post it here, although i'm finished with it, i'm still searching for more models that can be helpful for the game, in order to make it more challenging and maybe harder, since you are stranded, things are not easy what it seems in an island, especially when there are wild animals, haha... i humbly ask your permission guys. i'll put you on the credits. but if ever you don't want to i won't post it on the net...
i'll bring a sample tomorrow, just a "screen shot."
oh and uh...
i design houses and buildings or landscaping on Stranded. if you need my help i can help you.. i'll give you a sample tomorrow too.... (note: i only use the models inside the game, i do not know how to create models.)