Oh, btw, it is the same editor as the current stranded editor, but you could script it so you could create stuff together the gmod style?

Oh, btw, it is the same editor as the current stranded editor, but you could script it so you could create stuff together the gmod style?
Just play like in the Tutorial on oraclefile.com explains.
Dont use the File Multiplayer.exe and create a batch-File for startup.
Then it should work.

so how do I get online?
But i only play LAN so i opened: server - connect.bat(on my sister pc) and chanched the ip to my LAN ip then i run server bat and she run connect bat and then u can play singel player maps

the multiplayer.exe
I dont see any servers neither I see any maps
i watch this site evryday: www.oraclefile.com
if the new version comes out it shows up on this site.
For now we need to wait or download hamaci(i dont know how thats works.
atm i am trying to run the mp-mod with my friend.
The problem is that his pc is running vista and he needs to use the Vista_Fix.exe otherwise he would get the MAV error.
With the "normal" mp-mod exe he can’t even start the game and if we try to run the MP game with the Vista_Fix.exe instead, the game won’t try to connect to my server. It just starts a normal sp game. The batch file didn’t worked, too.
You have to wait for the next version, wich includes a Fix.

-server on it, then i go to single island and click on one, so after that how does my friend join the server? Plz help I have no idea how to do this!
Now Stranded starts, after loading, your friend have to jointhe same Map as you joined, now you play together.
DannyDeth has written
Hamachi, like the thing Tales of Pirates private servers use? I don;t know how to get a HamachiIP, do you register on site or something else?

DannyDeth has written
Thanks for the help I'm downloading as i write this. Infact it just finished lol. Another question, does my friend have to run Hamachi too?
I think yes.
edited 2×, last 27.06.10 06:36:36 pm