to think that the next version HAS to be windows 7 compatible. Else it would be very bad^^ I vote for making next version comatible with Windows 7.
I also advise you to do this now as less code should be rewritten. The more you do, the more redo. I agree to make it Win7 compatible I have Win7 and can not play any
games. - Dark Void - has written
(...) I have Win7 and can not play any

Not even CS2D!? One thing me and my brother currently think is a downpoint is the fact that we 'cannot see' each others animals, if you so will.
While I'm not fussed about kiwis, parrots fish and so forth it would be nice to think that we could properly hunt lions and raptors together. We are working on that, but do not expect it to be in the next release. I think, that it can be as objects. Kill, hit, states. But new ones: ai_move, ai_attack, ai_eat, e.t.c. still even if it has glitches its a good game to play...
multiplayer, before it was out i thought that there would be animals, i sopose thats why my map didnt make to the game. anyway but ive deleted some maps from adventure and what do you know, animals! i still dont see why there shouldnt have been them in the first place though. i want to play stranded2 with somebody and this mod is really cool, but there is no players online.
And this is very sad... thd552 has written
i want to play stranded2 with somebody and this mod is really cool, but there is no players online.

And this is very sad...
players are online
just make a server and wait for 20 minutes
max 5 ppl will join
it happens to me everytime even though i never start my game Hello, I downloaded this mod a couple of days ago, I have been trying to connect/create an internet server but with no luck. I've read the READ-ME that came with the mod but it's poor English and doesn't tell what ports to forward and what not. Anyways some help is much appreciated
I've got a question. I want to make a map for multiplayer, but I don't know one thing - will other players can play on it, when i start game on this map?
oh and how to change nickname in game (i know that i can do this in stranded multiplayer window, but i want to change it pernamently- i don't want to write this always when i'm playing. thd552 has written
I've got a question. I want to make a map for multiplayer, but I don't know one thing - will other players can play on it, when i start game on this map?
oh and how to change nickname in game (i know that i can do this in stranded multiplayer window, but i want to change it pernamently- i don't want to write this always when i'm playing.
open the following file: 1
C://program-files/Stranded Multiplayer/[b]mods/Stranded II/sys/settings.cfg[/b]
(first part of this path might differ)
in the 16th line you can enter your name.
save the file.
that's it!
Or you can jsut go to options > sound/multiplayer and change it there thanks very much ,but those maps in multi are buggy. Sometimes, when i start game i appear in land( ican't move, because my character has legs in land and i can't attack with fists or any weapon. It HAS to be like this. It's normal that you start in land and can't attack. To avoid asynchronous gameplay (one player does something, second player can do it again, even if the thing is already done at first player) what programms have you used to create it? ok,if i can not to take it and sell,help me to create my game-creator please.and where are scripts?how to create exe file?and some qestion to Thekilleddeath:
where are you from Russian part of German,or NATO part of German? Admin/mod comment
Sorry but this is offTopic. I'll write you a PM. /TheKilledDeath