
toretgman has written
So can u join the game?

Will not join the game = =?
toretgman has written
But I was win7
Will not join the game = =?
Will not join the game = =?
I see

anyway,thx 4 ur answer

Why do I regret the use of win7
Would like to connect

And how can we get new characters so others can see?
Soon i know that i will download S2-MP and the german stranded 2.
Nemesis has written
Readme.txt has written
This is an important Text, that you should read before playing Stranded II Multiplayer
- Start the server using the server batch
- connect using the connect batch, but you have to change the batch settings first
- to do so right click it and open it with a texteditor, then cahnge the ip and port to the one the other pc is using
- Start the server using the server batch
- connect using the connect batch, but you have to change the batch settings first
- to do so right click it and open it with a texteditor, then cahnge the ip and port to the one the other pc is using
Thanks,I never noticed that there were instructions in the folder.
Do I need hamachi for this?
How can I get my ip?
TheKilledDeath has written
use This tool

lol93 has written
TheKilledDeath has written
use This tool

Well ok
Eliijahh has written
anyone who wants to try multyplayer with me?
I can`t host servers btw,if anyone wants to play give me his ip and ill join his server.
Download here
then download the multyplayer
put it inside one map
exstract mp stranded, exstract normal(german) stranded inside that map and exstract MP stranded again i testet on lan and it works.
And i am now testing it on da internet
lol93 has written
to all ppl u need german version :
Download here
then download the multyplayer
put it inside one map
exstract mp stranded, exstract normal(german) stranded inside that map and exstract MP stranded again i testet on lan and it works.
And i am now testing it on da internet
Download here
then download the multyplayer
put it inside one map
exstract mp stranded, exstract normal(german) stranded inside that map and exstract MP stranded again i testet on lan and it works.
And i am now testing it on da internet
I'm sorry, but you weren't really clear. I tested on lan, and it works, only with custom maps (that really suck).
So I'm looking for a method to make a random map with the random generator, trying to export the map, put it into the custom maps directory, and then start the game.
Do you know how can I do that?
The Oracle File has written
I do not understand, for what exactly do you need to download Stranded before Stranded Multiplayer?
Well, I got it working quite easily but remember people, this is a beta and is still a work in progress. There are a few bugs (like campfires randomly going out again and again in a short space of time, objects go missing from the rucksack when using hotkey assignments).
I've only done this over lan.
1: Download Stranded II MP and extract it's contents anywhere (a free archiver is 7zip, google it) on both machines.
2: Start StrandedII.exe, go to options >> sound and set your multiplayer port and name on both machines. (I set the port to the same on both installations, but that shouldn't make a difference as I think that setting is only for hosting the game). Save and quit.
3: On the host machine, launch StrandedII -server.bat. Start a single map and pick one of the maps available. Wait for the game to load. You will notice that you are now in the map and "frozen" awaiting a teammate.
4: On the second machine, EDIT StrandedII -connect.bat in something like notepad. Change the IP to the lan IP of the host computer and the port to that of the host computer's settings (The one you set earlier). Save and exit.
5: On the second machine, launch StrandedII -connect.bat. Start a single player map and choose the same map as the host machine. When you load, you will appear side by side and you will now be "unfrozen" and able to rampage about the map.

Next step:
redefinder has written
Ok,servers started to pop out in multiplayer and a friend came to my server.Then I click start and I`m still frozen on map!I don`t know what`s wrong we tried it a couple of times but still nothing.What kind of fk**g multiplayer is this?
Its a multiplayer created by two great guys in their free time, if it doesn't work your doing something wrong.
Something like this is difficult to make and it sure as hell ain't 100% simple to use either. Love what you got, we should count our lucky stars that these guys have even bothered to make this in the first place.