

i have the german one
"S2mp can find the map map.s2"
Something like that comes up!
redefinder has written
and this mod has no tutorial on how to create/join a server.
Readme.txt has written
This is an important Text, that you should read before playing Stranded II Multiplayer
- Start the server using the server batch
- connect using the connect batch, but you have to change the batch settings first
- to do so right click it and open it with a texteditor, then cahnge the ip and port to the one the other pc is using
- Start the server using the server batch
- connect using the connect batch, but you have to change the batch settings first
- to do so right click it and open it with a texteditor, then cahnge the ip and port to the one the other pc is using
EDIT: Ohhh now i know why you cant move

Editorman has written
Maybe with me! because i too a dude wich don't have any friend!
Vectar666 has written
Hmmm... Some Hamachi servers here?
I want to play this but have not any friends to play with
I want to play this but have not any friends to play with
Maybe with me! because i too a dude wich don't have any friend!

password is "1", but it is not required
UnIdEnTiFiEd has written
i went to the german forum and found that most people there cant move aswell. but i dont know why.
EDIT: Ohhh now i know why you cant move
EDIT: Ohhh now i know why you cant move

Why !?
i need the reason too
Sincere request

Me and a friend of my found out how to create a server and stuff and we're making a tutorial.

I dieeee..eee..eedddddd~~

toretgman has written
I dieeee..eee..eedddddd~~
I dieeee..eee..eedddddd~~

Calm down.
And those repeating letters are really annoying!
Can someone tell me whether u can see the game or not?
I will stop hosting the game within 30mins.
toretgman has written
I look "Test" room 0.0
so u cannot see my room?