
the stucture of the engine
and so on...
I take no credit for this, I did nothing.
Everything should be in English now except for the autosave/sleeping process. I have no idea how to fix that.
*I messed up again, fixing. Will re-upload when it works.*
@ Oracle, please unbind Y from sleeping. It's incredibly annoying.
And please fix the chat bugs. You can't say any word that has 'or' in it. Sentences that are too long are not displayed. And you can't hold down backspace to clear text.
Also, if you type. sleep/drink it displays as NaN for some reason.
Ok, it's impossible to mod the game into English and still use it with the german version. Don't ask me why. They are incompatiable though.
edited 3×, last 31.01.10 12:19:28 am
I don't care if it shows how to connect via internet or lan or hamachi, what ever... just getting frustrated trying to make it work...
Thanks for everyone who has tried to help me. Here, have a cookie

I for one have had no problems at all so i don't know what everyone is complaining about

Nemesis has written
Awww, i think those questions are really dumb, "why ?why ?why ?", because its EARLY F**KING BETA!
sorry for that, but those questions are really dumb
sorry for that, but those questions are really dumb
They aren`t dumb questions,ppl just wanna know how to connect and find servers,and this mod has no tutorial on how to create/join a server.
Hanoirose has written
but I ended up playing with some weird dude who just followed me everywhere...
lol same thing happened with me,and if you hurt that guy it results in hurting you
lalzar has written
ok i was playing and everything was fine until I RANDOMLY CAUGHT ON FIRE AND DIED
We will soon open a portal where you can post optimized Scripts or Languages to support us.
Stay tuned!
1 Run multiplayer.exe and click connect.
2 Then go to the box where it says 'Der Peter'.
Change that to whatever you want your name to be.
3 Click the magnifying glass to list all the public servers online.
4 choose a server by clicking it, then click join.
5. Only 2 people max at this moment, mp shootingrange does not work.
6. Survival is a big island, so it lags on the hosts machine a little. Turn down graphics settings.
To host:
Start stranded2.exe, go to options and click sound.
Go down and find the bit that says 'port'.
Change that to 45645 or something similar.
Go to windows firewall and open an exception to that ports on tcp and udp.
If you are on a router, try to connect directly to the modem.
Turn antivirus/firewall software off. Leave windows firewall on, but add an exception.
Start multiplayer.exe, click create server. Done!
To host a private:
Type in the name of the private in the box, then tick the 'privat' checkbox.
Click create server.
To join a private server, just type in the same name in the box underneath 'privat' and click join server. Easy.
131 has written
3 Click the magnifying glass to list all the public servers online.
4 choose a server by clicking it, then click join.
5. Only 2 people max at this moment, mp shootingrange does not work.
6. Survival is a big island, so it lags on the hosts machine a little. Turn down graphics settings.
4 choose a server by clicking it, then click join.
5. Only 2 people max at this moment, mp shootingrange does not work.
6. Survival is a big island, so it lags on the hosts machine a little. Turn down graphics settings.
Sorry to say this but it doesn`t find any servers -.-
redefinder has written
Sorry to say this but it doesn`t find any servers -.-
131 has written
3 Click the magnifying glass to list all the public servers online.
4 choose a server by clicking it, then click join.
5. Only 2 people max at this moment, mp shootingrange does not work.
6. Survival is a big island, so it lags on the hosts machine a little. Turn down graphics settings.
4 choose a server by clicking it, then click join.
5. Only 2 people max at this moment, mp shootingrange does not work.
6. Survival is a big island, so it lags on the hosts machine a little. Turn down graphics settings.
Sorry to say this but it doesn`t find any servers -.-
I'll host one then.
By the way Oracle, I tried swapping the english sys files from the original stranded with the multiplayer version. It's not possible.
You can translate all the items/combinations/buildings and still sync characters, but if you drop a item. It just dissapears.
You can translate processes too in game.inf but that makes the two languages completely unsyncable. Only the german person can see the english person.
I haven't tested it yet, but I think it would be possible to play in English properly if you both had all the same files sys files replaced.
Though it's probably just better if people stick to the german version until you fix it.
You can change the tutorial messages into English on survivalguide.s2 without sync issues as it's only client side.

But , It's Ok , It's Only BETA , And Certainly They'll Fix That On The Next Version .

edited 1×, last 31.01.10 03:38:48 am
131 has written
It's easy. Just download the german language version of the game and extract it all to one folder. DO NOT USE ENGLISH, IT IS INCOMPATIABLE.
1 Run multiplayer.exe and click connect.
2 Then go to the box where it says 'Der Peter'.
Change that to whatever you want your name to be.
3 Click the magnifying glass to list all the public servers online.
4 choose a server by clicking it, then click join.
5. Only 2 people max at this moment, mp shootingrange does not work.
6. Survival is a big island, so it lags on the hosts machine a little. Turn down graphics settings.
To host:
Start stranded2.exe, go to options and click sound.
Go down and find the bit that says 'port'.
Change that to 45645 or something similar.
Go to windows firewall and open an exception to that ports on tcp and udp.
If you are on a router, try to connect directly to the modem.
Turn antivirus/firewall software off. Leave windows firewall on, but add an exception.
Start multiplayer.exe, click create server. Done!
To host a private:
Type in the name of the private in the box, then tick the 'privat' checkbox.
Click create server.
To join a private server, just type in the same name in the box underneath 'privat' and click join server. Easy.
1 Run multiplayer.exe and click connect.
2 Then go to the box where it says 'Der Peter'.
Change that to whatever you want your name to be.
3 Click the magnifying glass to list all the public servers online.
4 choose a server by clicking it, then click join.
5. Only 2 people max at this moment, mp shootingrange does not work.
6. Survival is a big island, so it lags on the hosts machine a little. Turn down graphics settings.
To host:
Start stranded2.exe, go to options and click sound.
Go down and find the bit that says 'port'.
Change that to 45645 or something similar.
Go to windows firewall and open an exception to that ports on tcp and udp.
If you are on a router, try to connect directly to the modem.
Turn antivirus/firewall software off. Leave windows firewall on, but add an exception.
Start multiplayer.exe, click create server. Done!
To host a private:
Type in the name of the private in the box, then tick the 'privat' checkbox.
Click create server.
To join a private server, just type in the same name in the box underneath 'privat' and click join server. Easy.
Go to Graphic's and type english.
How to doooooˊ__ˋ
Only thing what i did was:

And it worked ! ! ! WoW that was so funny!
I was playing dm small jungle and i tryied to go outside when i tried to go inside it teleported me inside ! LOL
I've found a big bug when i collide with the wall i'm going down and down and when i reach water then i stop when i go back i go up and then i'm normal...
edited 1×, last 31.01.10 09:26:23 am