EDIT:WTF!When I create a server I can`t move.This mod is so buggy -.-

EDIT:WTF!When I create a server I can`t move.This mod is so buggy -.-

redefinder has written
Is it just me or there are no servers?I click on the "Search for servers" button and NOTHING HAPPENS!I don`t get it how this works.Can someone explain to me how to join a server?
EDIT:WTF!When I create a server I can`t move.This mod is so buggy -.-
EDIT:WTF!When I create a server I can`t move.This mod is so buggy -.-
I think its a bug what you cant find servers, just play with your friends via hamachi :p
You cant move until second player will come

its my mums recipe
Does any one have any solution or clut to this problem. i have searched on google but without success
BTW i have improved the with more englishness... i may post it when its finished if noone else have done it before
Saving/loading should be disabled in multiplayer or host only/synchronised.
lol93 has written
when i connect to sever it stuck at 95% and crach and when i host i just see sky
same problem here

Nemesis has written
I think its a bug what you cant find servers, just play with your friends via hamachi :p
that really sucks,I expected much more from this mod

redefinder has written
same problem here
that really sucks,I expected much more from this mod
lol93 has written
when i connect to sever it stuck at 95% and crach and when i host i just see sky
same problem here

Nemesis has written
I think its a bug what you cant find servers, just play with your friends via hamachi :p
that really sucks,I expected much more from this mod

The 95% crash bug seems to only happen with the dm shooting range, try a different map.
There needs to be a kick/boot command or a player limiter in the multiplayer client.
Also, please include documentation on how private servers work and how people join them.
edited 1×, last 30.01.10 10:01:02 pm
redefinder has written
Is it just me or there are no servers?I click on the "Search for servers" button and NOTHING HAPPENS!I don`t get it how this works.Can someone explain to me how to join a server?
to fix it: run stranded II MP»Go to options»Sound»CHANGE UR NAME»save it and exit
Now you can see the servers
edited 2×, last 30.01.10 10:07:53 pm
sorry for that, but those questions are really dumb

Hanoirose has written
How do I play the game with my friend through Hamachi?
Host need run the server(StrandedII -server)
Player need edit StrandedII -connect and Change the ip for hamachi ip
@echo off
title Run Stranded II (windowed mode)
start StrandedII.exe -connect 5.***.***.***:*****
Zanahoria has written
Host need run the server(StrandedII -server)
Player need edit StrandedII -connect and Change the ip for hamachi ip
@echo off
title Run Stranded II (windowed mode)
start StrandedII.exe -connect 5.***.***.***:*****
Hanoirose has written
How do I play the game with my friend through Hamachi?
Host need run the server(StrandedII -server)
Player need edit StrandedII -connect and Change the ip for hamachi ip
@echo off
title Run Stranded II (windowed mode)
start StrandedII.exe -connect 5.***.***.***:*****
Somehow me and my friend end up stuck anyway... Do I put there mine or my friend's hamachi ip? And do I play with the Stranded II -connect or also with the server??
Sorry to be pain in the ass...
the other player has to edit his connect.bat. the IP which has to be put there is the IP of the one who hosts the game. then this second player has to start via connect.bat
in this way of starting a MP game you have to select the same map on your own (both of you!)
Oraclefile is going to make a video soon to show you how to start the MP correctly.
edited 1×, last 30.01.10 10:30:32 pm
Hanoirose has written
Somehow me and my friend end up stuck anyway... Do I put there mine or my friend's hamachi ip? And do I play with the Stranded II -connect or also with the server??
Sorry to be pain in the ass...
If you host, take the server one. then he should type your hamachi ip inside his connect file. if he hosts you take his hamachi ip to your connect file Zanahoria has written
Host need run the server(StrandedII -server)
Player need edit StrandedII -connect and Change the ip for hamachi ip
@echo off
title Run Stranded II (windowed mode)
start StrandedII.exe -connect 5.***.***.***:*****
Hanoirose has written
How do I play the game with my friend through Hamachi?
Host need run the server(StrandedII -server)
Player need edit StrandedII -connect and Change the ip for hamachi ip
@echo off
title Run Stranded II (windowed mode)
start StrandedII.exe -connect 5.***.***.***:*****
Somehow me and my friend end up stuck anyway... Do I put there mine or my friend's hamachi ip? And do I play with the Stranded II -connect or also with the server??
Sorry to be pain in the ass...
I want to play this but have not any friends to play with
Kakis has written
Hanoirose has written
Somehow me and my friend end up stuck anyway... Do I put there mine or my friend's hamachi ip? And do I play with the Stranded II -connect or also with the server??
Sorry to be pain in the ass...
If you host, take the server one. then he should type your hamachi ip inside his connect file. if he hosts you take his hamachi ip to your connect file Zanahoria has written
Host need run the server(StrandedII -server)
Player need edit StrandedII -connect and Change the ip for hamachi ip
@echo off
title Run Stranded II (windowed mode)
start StrandedII.exe -connect 5.***.***.***:*****
Hanoirose has written
How do I play the game with my friend through Hamachi?
Host need run the server(StrandedII -server)
Player need edit StrandedII -connect and Change the ip for hamachi ip
@echo off
title Run Stranded II (windowed mode)
start StrandedII.exe -connect 5.***.***.***:*****
Somehow me and my friend end up stuck anyway... Do I put there mine or my friend's hamachi ip? And do I play with the Stranded II -connect or also with the server??
Sorry to be pain in the ass...
Something really weird just happened... My friend was stuck but I ended up playing with some weird dude who just followed me everywhere...
Well anyway, I think this is a very stupid question but I'll ask it anyway: if the only server is Stranded II -server, how do I take server one?
We also encountered a glitch with fires nor functional right.
Is there anyway I can create a map for us to play on?
Vectar666 has written
Hmmm... Some Hamachi servers here?
I want to play this but have not any friends to play with
I want to play this but have not any friends to play with
Maybe with me! because i too a dude wich don't have any friend!