
gomble has written
what do we need to use it? cos it comes out today
Relax its too early to ask
its just 3:29 am

We want the Multiplayer now!

But Im going to lay in mah bed

jkjk, doesint matter if it is or isint, would be hilarious if it was... not to us though
....dont take this seriously
^ ^ ^

he probably is sleeping right now
see the time above posts
just relax
he doesnt owe anything to anyone that could make him hurry and he gave the date and he can change it too
TwentyThree has written
pft, 3:29 am... its 6:36 for me... but its the 29th for me too/.... I WANT MAH MULTIPLAYERRRZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ :'C, and who wants to play with me when it comes out? im on dial up so im not sure if its gona work properly...
i can play with you via hamachi!

when it work!

send me a PM then i show you how to make that!

each has the password s2mp
But it also works via internet/LAN. If you want to host via internet, you of course need to forward a UDP Port (36963 works fine!). Tested that with The Oracle File yesterday. No problems
Btw: If it would have been a fake project, I wouldn't have worked with them. It would be very, very bad for me as a moderator if the whole unrealsoftware community hates me

It's awesome to play single-player but IT'S MORE AWESOMENESS TO PLAY MULTIPLAYER

2DG Chris has written
its saturday he is not in shool he told he slepp much and he upload it after 14:00!
who cares...i just want to play s2mp whit anyone...damnit is MP! this cannot be truee...and if is fake...i send a nuclear bomb at home of royalfire,and if is true...he will be a legend in this comunity,like a celebrated tv man,everyone will be your friend,fake friend,but friend!
anyway,here you are for listening

2DG Chris has written
its saturday he is not in shool he told he slepp much and he upload it after 14:00!
EDIT:i go school saturnday,normally.
edited 1×, last 30.01.10 11:17:50 am
Stronglime has written
EDIT:i go school saturnday,normally.