
Fail me.
It's Royalfile.de.vu. ahah
edited 1×, last 28.01.10 09:38:41 pm
i hate latin
Can someone post the stranded 2 folder that goes in the mods folder in the main directory?
I accidently deleted it trying to put in a mod!


omegawaffle has written
Can someone post the stranded 2 folder that goes in the mods folder in the main directory?
I accidently deleted it trying to put in a mod!
Can someone post the stranded 2 folder that goes in the mods folder in the main directory?
I accidently deleted it trying to put in a mod!


It's Me Or This Is Off-Topic

If USNG Is Going To Be Shut Downed Until 30th January So That Doesnt Make Any Sence Release The Stranded 2 MP Because Nobody Will Can Play , I Am Not Saying To Don't Release Stranded 2 MP . I'll Love Stranded 2 MP

edited 1×, last 29.01.10 02:35:44 am
Ill leave T-T
omegawaffle has written
Sry, but I was already on this thread
Ill leave T-T
Ill leave T-T
I'm Not Saying To You Leave This thread

I Was Saying That You Should Ask Someone Out Of This Thread

wheres the countdown

this is spam but i don't care!
ghugha007 has written
It's Me Or This Is Off-Topic
If USNG Is Going To Be Shut Downed Until 30th January So That Doesnt Make Any Sence Release The Stranded 2 MP Because Nobody Will Can Play , I Am Not Saying To Don't Release Stranded 2 MP . I'll Love Stranded 2 MP
no. S2MP currently doesn't work via USGN. So you will be able to play, even without USGN (but perhaps only with hamachi?) omegawaffle has written
Can someone post the stranded 2 folder that goes in the mods folder in the main directory?
I accidently deleted it trying to put in a mod!
Can someone post the stranded 2 folder that goes in the mods folder in the main directory?
I accidently deleted it trying to put in a mod!


It's Me Or This Is Off-Topic

If USNG Is Going To Be Shut Downed Until 30th January So That Doesnt Make Any Sence Release The Stranded 2 MP Because Nobody Will Can Play , I Am Not Saying To Don't Release Stranded 2 MP . I'll Love Stranded 2 MP

till 30th

it might be delayed a few days because....idk he may forget to upload?

EDIT:ah sorry,i toke the link on your sign.
edited 2×, last 29.01.10 02:29:37 pm
The site http://www.royalfile.de.vu/ is still up, I am just working on a new one on my domain www.oraclefile.com , which is not ready yet, but will include a lot feature. Is gonna be like Unrealsoftware in small.