
The Oracle File has written
Which kind of fixes would you like to see?
ok, this is a quote from ages ago, but i need this fix badly. Can you get rid of the red flash that appears when you get hit? at least make it able to be skipped when on:ai_attack{skipevent;} or on:hit{skipevent;} is done?

Btw, added the requested language support. Now you can change in the options which language the game should be. Only the items name won't change.
edited 1×, last 27.01.10 09:55:44 am

xeNium has written
3 days left... in a blink of an eye we'll be building stuff with our friends! 

If that was true then people would have start blinking months ago
3 days? this cannot be true! O.o,i think i will wake up soon.
Vibhor has written
If that was true then people would have start blinking months ago
xeNium has written
3 days left... in a blink of an eye we'll be building stuff with our friends! 

If that was true then people would have start blinking months ago
Yeah, ahah.
The Oracle File has written
Why would we delete that feature? It is in every good game like that, and adds a bit atmosphere.
well, we can do a on:ai_attack{flash 255,0,0,0.001;} for flash effect, but we can't undo the flash... can you set the flash priority low so that it's possible to be skipped with skipevent; ? or if this fix doesn't take too long, can you make one without the flash and give me the compiled source code?
xeNium has written
3 days left... in a blink of an eye we'll be building stuff with our friends! 

"friend" not "friends" because it's only 2 players at a time. I'm waiting for multiplayer mod to be more than 2 players
it's 2 day left? =x
omegawaffle has written
Is it set so that you can use mods for it? or does it only work with original stranded???
The word from Oracle is that mods can be used, but they will need some modifications first. If I can find out what these modifications are (providing they are repetitive and modular), I'll make a program for conversion. But we'll have to see what changes are needed first. There's no guarantee a process like this could be automated.