
TheKilledDeath has written
it will... after MUCH work. You would need to rewrite EACH script of the massive mod. If you have the time... do it and release it. The community will be happy
But if you don't - there is no other way than to wait for someone else to do it

Once you release it, if you tell me how the script has to differ, I'll make a mod conversion tool for you.

And, only $4$ days till Stranded 2 CHRISTMAS!!!

Lion_Hearted has written
And, only $4$ days till Stranded 2 CHRISTMAS!!! 


You mean 5 days until Stranded II Multiplayer (SII MP) is released.
Th3 Snip3r has written
It Will cool if from options you can choose english or german+additation languaes.
More languages than these two would suck man.
Game would be overloaded with language text files and it would be a total mess!
DJ-Menj has written
But good idea to make it!Good idea Th3 Snip3r!But I cant make it.I dont know,how.
I agree adding a option to choose languages, but ONLY English and German.
And nobody cares if you can or not, we care about TheOracleFile.

5 more days!!!

xeNium has written
I agree adding a option to choose languages, but ONLY English and German.
And nobody cares if you can or not, we care about TheOracleFile.
DJ-Menj has written
But good idea to make it!Good idea Th3 Snip3r!But I cant make it.I dont know,how.
I agree adding a option to choose languages, but ONLY English and German.
And nobody cares if you can or not, we care about TheOracleFile.
But If He Can Help That Matters Too

Th3 Snip3r has written
It Will cool if from options you can choose english or german+additation languaes.
Well, this is not actually that difficult to do, being that most of the game's "strings" for displaying a button function or something are all collected in one file (strings.inf).
It would be quite easy to make a function replace the contents of "strings.inf" with info from a German copy, e.g. copy the contents of "lang_german.inf" to "string.inf" and reload the game. Then you'd simply distribute the game with additional language files.
This brings the added advantage that you could do a file check to see what "lang_" files there are and create options to display it. And being that the "lang_" files are simply data files for filling "strings.inf", you can have other players help out by doing translations.
Programming logic. You gotta love it.
Is it a good idea?
UnIdEnTiFiEd has written
Can you make it that there is an option to put a password so if you wont to play a private match you can, you just tell your freind the pass.
Is it a good idea?
Is it a good idea?
It is a good idea, but that security comes from giving people your IP. You would have to give the other player your IP and you wouldn't give your IP to a random stranger (or shouldn't). I don't think MP will identify itself on a central server like CS2D does with USGN so you have no need to password protect a game.

BTW i just found out so dont go says stuff about me not knowing and stuff
omegawaffle has written
BTW i just found out so dont go says stuff about me not knowing and stuff

BTW i just found out so dont go says stuff about me not knowing and stuff
No worries, we're all excited about this project. I suggest taking the time to read the pages in this thread to get fully up to date on the progression of the project and most importantly, check out the designer's page for it here:
Stranded II MP.
(Robbed straight from Oracle's signature)
I think someone finally snapped. Such a good game and no multiplayer? Surely, that's more than enough to send a guy into a programming frenzy...
EDIT: Oracle, Just looking at your wonderful site and saw this:
Your Site has written
combine Source of S2MP with Stranded Source - Accepted...
Stranded Source? I thought DC only released Is there something I'm missing or is this a typo?
edited 1×, last 26.01.10 09:27:09 am
xeNium has written
I agree adding a option to choose languages, but ONLY English and German.
And nobody cares if you can or not, we care about TheOracleFile.
Yes,but you will able to add more launguages.Moddable DJ-Menj has written
But good idea to make it!Good idea Th3 Snip3r!But I cant make it.I dont know,how.
I agree adding a option to choose languages, but ONLY English and German.
And nobody cares if you can or not, we care about TheOracleFile.

[Just suggest]
Someone of the german Stranded Community improved Stranded with e.g. customable Seasons, latitutes, moving clouds and such stuff. It improves Stranded in a nice way, and we might make Stranded Multiplayer work with that version in the future.
I have nothing to say... exept 4 DAYS BEFORE RELEASE!!!