
The Oracle File has written
@Dig_Dog... : We are trying to implement it
@Lion_Hearted: You can play this between LAN comps.
@GeNeX no release date so far
@Dig_Dog... : We are trying to implement it
@Lion_Hearted: You can play this between LAN comps.
@GeNeX no release date so far
Airport! COOL!

I've been trying to fix the multiplayer problem without success for 6 months!!!
UnIdEnTiFiEd has written
wow theres a multipayer mod?!?
read the thread title, and its a Multiplayer Mod
I re-download S2 only for this

@NTD I dreamed exactly the same^^ air fight^^
I Saw The Video In German,So I Want To Know If There Will Be Able to Download English Version or Change Language On The Game!
P.S.: sorry for bad english *g*
ghugha007 has written
There Will Be English Version ??
I Saw The Video In German,So I Want To Know If There Will Be Able to Download English Version or Change Language On The Game!
I Saw The Video In German,So I Want To Know If There Will Be Able to Download English Version or Change Language On The Game!
it was said earlier
game is both in german and english

But you should release MP now , if you see any bugs u could repair and release like new versions like Cs2d , at first it wasnt perfect , there were loads of bugs
edited 2×, last 15.12.09 05:47:57 pm
they suxxorz
or you can sure upload or give us a Christmas surprise by fixing those lags

Lucar has written
There could be certain campaign (adventure) that could be required with 2 people, like certain buildings that require both players to work, vehicles both players need to operate, and stuff like that. There could be competetive things like building your own settlement before the other player, and see who can make a gold bow first. There could be reviving potions you could give to your partner who is "dying" (lol, FPS reference) and revive them of course.XD
or a deathmatch
They will be also there if you play alone, but if you change anything the game won't work synchronous anymore.
And yes, there will be certain campaings. We will soon start a vote here or on our website to ask which features you'd like most to see in S2MP