
The Oracle File has written
but we are coming closer...
I hope the 31th of december or 1th of january

and Oracle File did u fix the problem that there could be more than 2 players in a server? i hope you did

The Oracle File has written
No we didn't. It will be 2 players only at least on the first release.
But will it possible to fix it?

The Oracle File has written
Yes, but only with the sourcecode and it's a lot work.
This means that you didn't work on sourcecode?
If yes, HOW?
The Oracle File has written
I DID work with source code, but it is only designed for 2 players, so you can't connect with more people without changing the source again.
could you do it? Could you change it to make more people join, or it would take too much time?
Siomonte has written
LinuxGuy what, if they change it later? if they change it after release? I gues its mcuh easier later than earlier
I agree with you.

Siomonte has written
LinuxGuy what, if they change it later? if they change it after release? I gues its mcuh easier later than earlier
No, it would be much easier to design it to work with multiple people earlier than trying to work it in later.
I say make it later
Slow and steady wins the race
Vibhor has written
multiple people.......
I say make it later
Slow and steady wins the race
I say make it later
Slow and steady wins the race
It's an issue of foundation (not the right choice of words, perhaps). You build all of the functions and scripts around the number of players. If you design all of the functions around the idea of having 2 people then when you try to make it so multiple people can play you must redo *ALL* the functions. It would be better to add in support for multiple people (more than two) when you only say, 'x' amount of functions coded in (say, 5), than to try and force it in when you've got x+y functions coded in (say, 200).