
Siomonte has written
It could be hard but he never said it to be impossible
thing of the guys that has been doing this thing
they are worth of some appraise and DC is the one for appraise too if they cleaned DC's code
Another thing we need to complete is the Gamelobby and a lot of other stuff.
But the basic multiplayer engine is working quite fine, so expect more cool stuff soon.
How close to normal gameplay excluding the multiplayer part is this?
Sorry for being impatient it is just so exciting for multiplayer on STII
i can help out in anyway that i can
weither or not their would be a dedicated server
i can host a bunch of listen servers as if they where dedicated 4 u
so off side question
is it just u working on the code?
and how long have u have been working on this?

...who are the creators of Royalfile corp..
Your "off-side question" should be answered.
The Singleplayer will be as playable as before just with additional features, I always was annyoyed hadn't been in the normal game.
what would those be?
breathing skill ? (XD)
or you can add more animations to the models?

Stranded II MP. Coming soon!
and i pm him and he wass saying:
No, we will NEVAAAAA stop working on it
Just to lazy to change the worklog

But of course we are still working on this. It's just to aweseome to cancel it. But I think lately we are playing it more than programming

WOW a supreme detective with supreme deduction
your logic is undeniable and undefeatable
ONTOPIC: whats the thing thats incomplete?
shouldn't it be ready till now?

-Lobby (75%)
-MP Modes (5%)
-MP Maps (5%)
-MP Stuff (50%)
-Mp Code (100%)
This might change at anytime, but we want to show you that we are still doing stuff and also give you the possibility of taking a look which part has completed how far.
Okay, Video is in production, it is coming out today!!!
edited 2×, last 06.12.09 07:18:32 pm