
you are imbecile (dont know the meaning xD)
When the hell will you release next version?
I am waiting eagerly
Imbecile is almost idiot
Vibhor has written
WTH man theres already a JP mod
you are imbecile (dont know the meaning xD)
When the hell will you release next version?
I am waiting eagerly
you are imbecile (dont know the meaning xD)
When the hell will you release next version?
I am waiting eagerly
Next version?I dont know.But i know,it will real.And you will can select adventure:
Iraq war
Vietnam war
Russian war
Vectar666 has written
You mean World War 2? and parts of it in different countries?
No,no no!!World war 2 no.Iraq war,Vietnam war and Russian war..It isn't World war 2.Hey,its good idea for World War 2 mod!!

Ok,Warest Mod is released!But not for download!!
edited 1×, last 05.11.09 07:42:09 pm
Mesarobert has written
How is it possible to have it released without a download actually being released??
He is czech
doesnt know much of english
I am waiting to file a case against him
Vibhor has written
I am waiting to file a case against him (...)
I am waiting to file a case against him (...)
I'm with ya, bro.
But i try repair it.
Paulas800 has written
oh shit....all my documents are broken and Warest Mod isnt.
But i try repair it.
But i try repair it.
not needed...
if you ask my no one liek your mod..:$
amstel bier9 has written
not needed...
if you ask my no one liek your mod..:$
Paulas800 has written
oh shit....all my documents are broken and Warest Mod isnt.
But i try repair it.
But i try repair it.
not needed...
if you ask my no one liek your mod..:$
Actually i am waiting for the mod :evil:
but he can quit nobody cares
Oh really?
This mod sucks because:

xeNium has written
He was telling that other mods sucked and this one is better.
Oh really?
This mod sucks because:
It's not in English - why create non-English mods if English is the most understandable language and there's a lot of non-English mods that fail as hell.
This is imaginary.
No one cares. If this project stops - world will be cleaner.
You are a sell fish person that copies models and stuff from other mods.
Oh really?
This mod sucks because:

Sell Fish?

well lets see the next version
i would like to wait a month
probably i demand a guilty verdict
xeNium has written
He was telling that other mods sucked and this one is better.
Oh really?
This mod sucks because:
It's not in English - why create non-English mods if English is the most understandable language and there's a lot of non-English mods that fail as hell.
This is imaginary.
No one cares. If this project stops - world will be cleaner.
You are a sell fish person that copies models and stuff from other mods.
Oh really?
This mod sucks because:

Technically, a lot more *ENGLISH* mods fail than non-English. Just look at all the new mods that get started in this forum, then fall off the map after two weeks.

Ok,download will 20.11.2009.Ok sorry for that.

Its .exe format!
edited 2×, last 14.11.09 04:42:08 pm
Paulas800 has written
Ok,repaired.Now was released english version.Download date will here 10.11.09.Bye 
Ok,download will 20.11.2009.Ok sorry for that.
Its .exe format!

Ok,download will 20.11.2009.Ok sorry for that.

Its .exe format!
Stop pushing.