This is 5 days after the second date which was 5 days after the first, and now your moving it to another 7 days ahead? lol, your unbelievable. And let's not forget this.
yay another hunk of crap that no one cares about from a person no one cares about
if you dont agree your crazy
but now in all seriousness this is so fake.
I do not understand why are you insulting his/her hard work I mean possibly your mod that i saw in your thread will be a "hunk of crap" ,but I guess I should try his mod before I completely disagree even though you still should not tell him his work is a "hunk of crap" because he must of put some time & work in this mod judging on the date of the first post so you just said all that hard work he did was for nothing (which it is for something or he would not have made it) the only reason it would deserve to be called such is if he stole it