edited 1×, last 26.10.09 12:44:33 pm

and who made it?
EDIT: where did you got the idea of this mod?
Theres no thread about it in the forums and not a single word of it too(except for this one)
Name Warest Mod
By Paulas800
For download Demo
Will for download 14-15.11.2009
Version 0.1
Next version 0.2
0.1 czech
1.1 english
This is gg mod!Yea,you can help me,if you want!

if yes... where? givew a good link!
if no... why you siad my mod looks like yours if I haven't play your mod.
becouse it's not released?
You meant available for (free) download, right?

First he said in your thread that your mod was bad and also said download is available but wheres it now dude?
(0.1 version is Czech)
(1.1 version is English)
Version 1.1 will for download 17-18.11.2009!
Version Demo is for download!
Vectar666 has written
Sorry,demo link avaiable 17:14.
You are constantly posting Demo download BLA BLA BLA
Vibhor has written
wth demo link available BUT WHERE!!!
You are constantly posting Demo download BLA BLA BLA
You are constantly posting Demo download BLA BLA BLA

speak up completely
and to tell you
you are saying everybody that you have demo available
i know ur czech but this type of english will get you stuck with my bad side
sorry didnt knew that b4
Vibhor has written
WTH is 17:14?
speak up completely
and to tell you
you are saying everybody that you have demo available
i know ur czech but this type of english will get you stuck with my bad side
sorry didnt knew that b4
speak up completely
and to tell you
you are saying everybody that you have demo available
i know ur czech but this type of english will get you stuck with my bad side
sorry didnt knew that b4
your ride..:)
a great paulas800 give us a link to your mod..

so your can inprove that your mod is better...
o and I hope so that they ban you!

Paulas800 has written
Hey,wait please!Demo comming! 

Read me:
1.Extract to Stranded 2\mods\...
2.Download Mod Starter
3.Good playing!
