Weapon exampleKaka024 User Offline 03.10.09 07:45:04 pm Hello. I'm trying to understand weapons scirpts but can't do it without ur help. May i ask you guys to make an example? It should look like this: some_code weaponname='Weapon Name' So i can edit example by myself. I don't need pro mastah weapons, rockets. Only small thingies.
Re: Weapon exampleDC Admin Online 03.10.09 09:47:43 pm there are several dozens of examples: the original weapon scripts. they are all scripted with Lua. scripts/weapons/CC Original/... moreover you should use the tutorials and the command reference at www.carnagecontest.com/help.php
Re: Weapon exampleRedPillow User Offline 03.10.09 10:53:40 pm So does that make us able to use modded weapons by ourselves online?
Re: Weapon exampleohaz User Offline 04.10.09 06:33:19 am Jonzku777 has writtenSo does that make us able to use modded weapons by ourselves online?Only if you're hosting the game. You can't use your self-scripted weapons as a client
Re: Weapon exampleKaka024 User Offline 04.10.09 07:18:28 am Its hard to understand done weapons, but i just have to spend more time on it. Thanks anyway @btw. made my first gun - awp ;d
Re: Weapon exampleVectarrio User Offline 04.10.09 12:06:50 pm I saw your awp, rotate it to 90 degrees