Stranded II
Stranded II Mapping - Any tutorials?
Stranded II Mapping - Any tutorials?
4 replies Hey! Can someone give me good tutorials about map making in SII? I'm a newbie at it, but I want give it a try!
So, can someone find/make a tutorial?
Qtw User
i dont think theres any tutorials for it. at least i havent found any. i can give you some tips if you want me too. just gimmie a message and i will tell you anything you want to know. go look in the site of stranded
you will find scripting tutorials
they are for maps and a bit for the game too
other than that its fairly easy to use the stuff in the editor
just ask if you dont understand Ok, I don't know how to make island larger. In size, it starts so small.
Like, I tired everything but just creates black dots and hills...
BTW: I remember that something like "Place randomly animals/plants" and I could choose number of animals and stuff. But I don't remember where to, so where to do that? to increase the size you have to make a new island
click new in the tabs top right corner
and the random stuff is in the option menu
see so easy?
but not as easy as Cs2d editor