have you a download link?

Epic Compilation/Translation Mod
34 replieshave you a download link?
DJ-Menj has written
Yea,when do you release this mod?amstel bier,for you,I send on your mail link for english ext. if I find it.
thanks buddy
i want this mod realy!
is it à mod trom more Mods in one?
Some of the content is of my own creation yet most of it is from other talented modders' mods.
There is no release at this time.
Thanks for your interest.

can you make a standalone translation of S2ext?
i like the mod the way it is

I need some help with my Waggon (Object) Script, i made it work with attaching horse but when you attach the horse, the horse is still left there, and there's another horse on the waggon. I can't think of a way to free the horse that i used to attach the waggon.
on:waggon_attach_horse {
if (count_inrange("unit",212,250)>0){
local $x,$y,$z,$id;
//create horse waggon
copychildren "object",$this,1,1,1,1,0;
pastechildren "unit",$id,1,1,1,1;
$x=getpitch("self"); $y=getyaw("self"); $z=getroll("self");
setrot "unit",$id,$x,$y,$z;
$x=getx("self"); $y=gety("self"); $z=getz("self");
setpos "unit",$id,$x,$y,$z;
free "self";
freevar $this;
EDIT: If i saved all the variables on a map... like Health hunger etc. and location of everything on the map...
Clould I have the map saved as the player moves onto another map, and can go back to that map and it''ll exist as the player left it?
edited 3×, last 04.01.10 04:41:40 am
probably ask his permission before using it
I wanted it because i want the adventure mode to be acrros ea huge archpelico with different levels.
P.S. I've been working on mine systems for ages, years. I just couldn't find all the things i needed to do.
P.P.S My models are finally working now, so i can make what i need for the stuff i cant get from MM.
P.P.P.S. Can anyone help me with my Wagon problem?
i wanna know too
its not like that ill use it or something
just curosity

Also, how does one make units?
soggydoggy has written
Pioneer's Mod
Settler's Mod
Compilaiton Mod
Other name (your suggestion)

soggydoggy has written
Well there's no POST button, you only get that when you first make a thread, so ill ask here...
Pioneer's Mod
Settler's Mod
Compilaiton Mod
Other name (your suggestion)
Also, how does one make units?

Also, how does one make units?
I do like the word "Epic"... As for compilation, well, most mods have some parts from others in it unless the mod maker is very controlling about input. I'd say, think of something that really describes the difference that mod makes to the game. By the sounds of it, you're taking the original game and expanding it. So how about:
"Epic Expansion Mod"