
Awesome mod.
19 replies

it would be difficult but not impossible
I have the ideas but cant implement them as a few know i am too lazy
just think of the features and story soon and the name will come to you automatically
Qtw has written
Huge wall of text that is very difficult to read and doesn't really explain much.
Use paragraphs and put a space after a full stop to help make your rambling dialogue easier to understand.
Be more specific about what features your mod includes.
Good luck.
Qtw has written
First off let me say that I dont believe my mod is that awesome.
I just couldnt think of a name for it.
now I dont know what features to add but I am adding plenty of items.
I can make the stationary models,items,and combos fine but I cannot animate.
I use blender.
I do not know how to animate and I just cant figure it out.
I need certain models and I wish to have a someone help me put in skills,monsters,and villagers in the mod.
also I found out you can only have a limited amount of models in the game so I wont use models for items unless they are ammo or throwable.
dont ask me to make a model and then have you animate it.
because I cant texture well or make certain models look right.
I can make simple models which I will do on my own.
I have already done some of the items I planned to put in but I am working on it slowly.
I dont want to lose interest in the project.
I have a habit of losing interest if I go to fast.
also if the person/persons that helps me has ideas for items that would be great.
thank you for reading this long and boring thread of mine.
*I doubt this mod will be as great as the kidnap mod though*
I just couldnt think of a name for it.
now I dont know what features to add but I am adding plenty of items.
I can make the stationary models,items,and combos fine but I cannot animate.
I use blender.
I do not know how to animate and I just cant figure it out.
I need certain models and I wish to have a someone help me put in skills,monsters,and villagers in the mod.
also I found out you can only have a limited amount of models in the game so I wont use models for items unless they are ammo or throwable.
dont ask me to make a model and then have you animate it.
because I cant texture well or make certain models look right.
I can make simple models which I will do on my own.
I have already done some of the items I planned to put in but I am working on it slowly.
I dont want to lose interest in the project.
I have a habit of losing interest if I go to fast.
also if the person/persons that helps me has ideas for items that would be great.
thank you for reading this long and boring thread of mine.
*I doubt this mod will be as great as the kidnap mod though*
You are too selfish
just kidding
easy version for dude who dont have enough enthusiasm to read the paragraph
reminds me of an user in the german forums...
You Said that you need models , but you didnt say what model , so i bet any model will do?
i can make skills , but for aminals and villages , just put them in editor
and What kind of animation do you want? i cant just animate anything and throw it to you , so , by just looking at your post , i bet its just a easy but stupid animation?
as for skills i cant think of any at the moment. i can take any animation.
if you have ideas throw em in. it could be a walking turd and i would like it. actually i kinda like the walking turd idea.
because of a well scripted adventure
sure this mod will be easy to make but then comes the mapping
they are
1 stone carving. its building statues to decorate the island.
2 forging. its working with metal.
3 mining, the higher the skill the more likely to get ore.
4 crafting. working with wood just like forging is with metal.
5 explosives. building rockets bombs and the like.
i also have a list for the skills to be built on. anyone who can build skills please tell me and i will pm you the skill list.
I have thought of some monster and villager unit ideas.
first monsters. wolf and this one a friend wanted in for some reason a monkey riding a raptor while holding a spear.
now for the villagers. gnomes. i would like 2 kinds please. one with red clothes and one with blue clothes.
now if any of the things i have asked are too difficult feel free to give up. i dont wish to waste someones time too much.
also if anyone has ideas i would love to read them. it could be creatures,items,buildings or villagers please put them down here. thank you for reading this boring text.
Rock + Bone = Bone Knife
If you put that in, make it say "Bone knife idea by Talls." Thanks
I would then suggest to name the mod "Japanese History mod".
edited 1×, last 13.10.09 08:33:37 am
when i said i could not think of a name i gave up and decided on awesome mod.
i dont know how to include weakpoints or make health regenerate over time but those are good ideas...
nmG has written
Giant enemy crab. Scale the crab's model to about 10x its size and put it on behaviour=raptor, health to something over 9000. Don't forget eyes=y, damage=d (preferably 42) and attackrange=a. If you build this is in properly, it will be funny. Oh, and don't forget to include a weak point somehow, so you can attack its weak point for massive damage.
I would then suggest to name the mod "Japanese History mod".
I would then suggest to name the mod "Japanese History mod".
i hope there weapons to take that thing down....
thats very easy but the difficult part is to make it random
just like builders dungeon script but i dont know how to use it