Life mod is based around the time of runescape(about 1650 or something).
You live in a real world with houses jobs monsters people and all sorts of things.
Here are some of the jobs:
Farming,Smithing,fishing,innkeeper,factory worker,
mining,building ect
The jobs list is to be updated as i go along as well as the other lists.
I desperatly need models I'm not saying go make me these models , but any models or models from other mods are appretiated.
Here is a list of models i would like:
Inn,house,silo/factory,fishing platform,farmhouse,brewery,bank,wood cutters hut?,mine like same dungeon script by Builder 2.0 but different model.
I am not asking for any scripts at all.
New unit models:
bat,dog,cat,goat pig,chicken,higwayman ,citzen.
and some new trees and stuff.
If you wish to make maps for this mod please do so on the final release.
Mod progress
about 0.3%
things i have done so far:
main menu splash (just a quick one)
Lots of models eg floatig platforms ect
some palm textures
new water textures
changed some building requirments
made some "gates" currently unbuildable but in the editor.
New item dead leaf (currently using leaf model)
fireplace now requires dead leaves
you can hit things with branches
and you can now throw stones.
Things to do:
everything else
Edit:In progress:
main menu map (will always be in progress due to new models)
Copy mods into your stranded 2 folder, a message should come up asking you if you wish to overwrite, if not you have copied it into the wrong folder, anyway click yes to overwright then just double click on the stranded II.exe and it should work fine.
edited 9×, last 20.09.09 03:38:08 am