
How to make "connection" between 1x and 2x berettas?
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On use it will separate, or combined; | 3.03% (1) | |
On right mousebutton it will separated, or combed; | 87.88% (29) | |
NEVER combine 2 single berettas to get 1 double. | 6.06% (2) | |
Other idea(answer in thread) | 3.03% (1) |
33 votes cast
the building system for S2 is really messed up
like you have to click many times even if you have all ingredients
thats a pain as you are making a shooter
so whats the new system?
If you can realise smth else, write
like after a few seconds or minute you get the item or the thing completes itself
or like
on build it checks that if you have the amount of money or something is in your inventory that is required by the building then place the building site that requires nothing to make except the hit of hammer and if you dont have the money it either doesnt place the building site or place it and if you dont have the money then destroy it
Easy way:
for the second one if dont care to read
if values are true then place the building site or else destroy it when its placed or skipevent
Building in front of you, but no special hammer from s2.
But i like my first variant
it would also take time as you are using money in CS2D
and you are making buildings by stray objects?
You are building. You can build if you have enough money, and you must just put in this building just one coin($)

Real time supply weapon spawner

Supply menu

Buying menu

key binding needed
Buy zone

is possible but i dont know how to show the hud thingy
and thats all
So its possible, just check in scripts.
Binding keys? Easy too. Check in scripting question topic. Last 10 pages.
and you are a solely guy that doesn't know that stranded 2 doesnt have a real time spawner
i will be

i dont thief things that are not mine
i steal them from the guys who stole it from me
ok now on topic
i will be taking ideas from your script or you can call it

Vectar666 has written
Teach yourself with looking scripts
Fully agree with you.
Use some scripts as example, teach yourself, and after some time you will be allow make scripts too
this thread aint about that i am a scripting noob or not
i just said i will be taking ideas
that ends it
I stopped development for ~2 weeks
because I have heavy work in school