
How to make "connection" between 1x and 2x berettas?
Only registered users are allowed to vote
On use it will separate, or combined; | 3.03% (1) | |
On right mousebutton it will separated, or combed; | 87.88% (29) | |
NEVER combine 2 single berettas to get 1 double. | 6.06% (2) | |
Other idea(answer in thread) | 3.03% (1) |
33 votes cast

Paulas800 has written
Or upload it here.On files,dude. 

I is too big for Files in

http://www.speedyshare.com/files/19373139/cstrike.zip - not direct, but true
Vibhor has written
remove default stuff from stranded and make it real Cstrike
why not just play cstrick intsead wtf lol
go play real CS
you can remove useless stuff to decrease size
Vibhor has written
Was just a joke anywasys ok go ahead
go play real CS
you can remove useless stuff to decrease size
go play real CS
you can remove useless stuff to decrease size
Vectar666 has written
I is too big for Files in
S! I said it some earlier!
http://www.speedyshare.com/files/19373139/cstrike.zip - not direct, but true
Paulas800 has written
Or upload it here.On files,dude. 

I is too big for Files in

http://www.speedyshare.com/files/19373139/cstrike.zip - not direct, but true
Really it go on online games.Please upload it on Megaupload or Filefront.Please!!
Vectar666 has written
What do you mean? Just click "cstrike.zip" button!
Where is it??I cant find this on online games!
Please upload it on Megaupload or Filefront,pleeasee..

Press cstrike.zip, its blue colored
Nemesis has written
Where is?I cant find it.I make video.
Paulas800 has written
Where is?I cant find it.I make video.
Nemesis has written
Where is?I cant find it.I make video.
Special for STOOPID
Ok,download video,dude!
Here: http://uloz.to/3175903/help.avi
edited 8×, last 27.11.09 04:59:06 pm
or i will
and @V666
yeah funny

Hey,go on!!Help me with that!Or I dont give you link for download W.M.!!hahaha
edited 1×, last 27.11.09 05:30:52 pm
EDIT: Strange... Saw video, I dont know whats it. It redirects into new page! F***ing links
Paulas800 has written
You can download video and help me.
Hey,go on!!Help me with that!Or I dont give you link for download W.M.!!hahaha
Hey,go on!!Help me with that!Or I dont give you link for download W.M.!!hahaha
like i care meh
you think your mod is so much demanded?
Paulas800 has written
Or I dont give you link for download W.M.!!hahaha
Go f**k you link!!hahaha