
How to make "connection" between 1x and 2x berettas?
Only registered users are allowed to vote
On use it will separate, or combined; | 3.03% (1) | |
On right mousebutton it will separated, or combed; | 87.88% (29) | |
NEVER combine 2 single berettas to get 1 double. | 6.06% (2) | |
Other idea(answer in thread) | 3.03% (1) |
33 votes cast
i can't wait to play it!
First check for model, second for script
You can help me with undone models(if first check is notOK)
the rest of CS1.6 wepns:



Steyr Scout






xm1014(Benelli m4)

Colt Python (357)

Colt Anaconda (500)

Webley MK4 (38)

S&W 686

Taurus Judge(12G)

CS2D weapons:
Grenade launcher


Rocket launcher has already been in Stranded 2;
RPG launcher

Portal gun


mp7 PDW

Player models:

edited 8×, last 17.11.09 01:54:08 pm

You can see in mod gradira theres a spy glass
it does a thing that i dont know how to do
you can see it for yourself
Vectar666 has written
But that was fine, he was pretty annoying...
I noticed you edited your post.
In "Other:" it only had Portal Gun, now M60 is included and that's cool!
EDIT: Yes, I saw script of spyglass. I wanted to do the same, but thought its too hard for me. It is

EDIT2:I think I will finish the portalgun in 30 minutes!
EDIT3:Go to first post, please
And somebody can place 2 red portals in a map. 3 answers is advice for me, how to do script.
IT WORKS! Not portalgun, but portals are done and it works!!! But with player only.
edited 8×, last 02.11.09 12:16:36 pm
and other stuff too
EDIT: I downloaded Fraps and it works!
edited 2×, last 02.11.09 03:11:47 pm

Off Topic Alert----All moderators Stay away please----Off top
The rules say its not good to do illegal stuff on this site
means no warez here not that you cant say it
you probably arent going to get banned for saying
Cracked Half life

i can't wait 4 the mod/video

Vibhor has written
Cant you make portal like on build it destroys the previous portal?
I have already done this.
EDIT: Video about infinite fell through portals.
edited 3×, last 03.11.09 11:08:21 am
Avenger1130 has written
can other objects go through the portal? like if you dropped a meat in the portal would it fall forever too?
Why do you release CStrike mod?
Paulas800 has written
Why do you release CStrike mod?
Because he wants to
now stop this why thingy
And V666 give us a post or two
Paulas800 has written
Why do you release CStrike mod?
Dont you mean when?
Avenger1130 has written
can other objects go through the portal? like if you dropped a meat in the portal would it fall forever too?
Vectar666 has written
But with player only.
Paulas800 has written
Why do you release CStrike mod?
I think you forgot extra "not"
I almost finished my alpha version.
It will be with weapons, working raptor hunter mode and silencers, but will not have reload, scope, viewmodels(v_wepn).
edited 1×, last 17.11.09 01:39:43 pm
Vectar666 has written
I think you forgot extra "not"
I almost finished my alpha version.
It will be with weapons, working raptor hunter mode and silencers, but will not have reload, scope, viewmodels(v_wepn).
Avenger1130 has written
can other objects go through the portal? like if you dropped a meat in the portal would it fall forever too?
Vectar666 has written
But with player only.
Paulas800 has written
Why do you release CStrike mod?
I think you forgot extra "not"
I almost finished my alpha version.
It will be with weapons, working raptor hunter mode and silencers, but will not have reload, scope, viewmodels(v_wepn).
i can't wait to play it!