Zombie Frenzy will include many maps where you will have to fight to survive. you will need to kill zombies to get loot, which you sell for guns and rations.
Current State of progress : Version 0.8A
Working out the idea:

Downloading models etc:

Mapping (need mappers for this):
Edit Loot tables (Zombie drops):
Scripting (vendors and such):
Finishing touches:

if you would like to claim sections, PM me and send any maps,scripts etc. to - Email address (only visible with login) -
(yes i didn't change the hotmail)
Il update this thread to progress.
Good luck!

I need every sort of person i can get my hands on.
If you want to help. PM me, you can also look at the scheme above, if there is a V tag. it's done, if there is a > tag, it's under construction.
At this certain moment i need :
* All kinds of people
* Maps, Scripts , Scenario writers.
* Testers ( 0 more)
* Coffee and

edited 19×, last 03.08.09 01:52:29 pm