I'd like to create this, but I'd need a bit of help with modeling/scripting/mapping, so I'll think of making this a sort of open-source mod, anyone can add what they have.
Instead of being in a tropical region, apparently stuck there because of a shipwreck, what if the island was temperate and inherited?
In the adventure, the player would inherit the island from a great-uncle or something, and since he has no family, get an urge to move there and live like a pioneer. So he goes there of his own free will.
The endless mode would be sort of the same as regular Stranded, no storyline or whatever.
Suggestions Welcome!
1) Squirrels: Sort of the "kiwi birds," in that they're plentiful and easy to catch. They provide a small meat and a small hide.
2) Horses: They're fast and a bit skittish, but if you tame one (using hay , you can ride it. You can also build the training ring, where you can create pack mules (which uses 15 hay), and you can also build a horse cart. If you decide to kill them instead, you get a few large meat and a few large hides. Will occasionally throw you.
4) Pack mules : Like the transport monkey, but not as fast and looks like a mule.
5) Wild dogs They're aggressive, but if you tame one, it will bring you meat at nights. Killing them provides a large meat and a large hide.
6) Bears : Also aggressive. Killing provides several large meats and large hides.
7) Robins: These are non-aggressive birds. Killing provides a few small meats and a few feathers.

9) Cows : If you "use" a cow, it'll provide milk for you. If you kill it, you get several large meats and large hides.
10) Pigs: If you kill these, you get several large meats and large hides.
11) Chickens: They hop around the island like kiwis (although they're not quite as common). Killing them provides a few small meat. They lay eggs in nests. You can build a chicken coop and get eggs from it.
12) Fish: You get the idea.
13) Beavers: You get some small meats and small hides when killing them.
14) Cougar/mountain lion: Another aggressive animal. Some small meats and small hides.
15) Swarm of bees: They chase you and when they attack you, you get poisoned! Killing provides insect parts and poison
16) Jellyfish: Aggressive fish which also poisons you. Killing provides slime and poison.
17) Eagle: Aggressive bird. Small meats and feathers
18) Goat: Will provide milk. Killing provides meat and hides.
There'll probably be more later...
1) Horse Cart : A fast land vehicle. Like the sailraft in the original StrandedII, it can be used either as storage or riding.
2) Canoe : Built with several large hides and branches. It's a water vehicle.
3) Blimp Built with lots of hides and branches. It's not really an "aircraft" as it's suspended from the ground with a very thin string (think of the treehouse). (Not very realistic, I know, but it'd be cool!)
4) Wooden ship : A big wooden ship, about the size of the yacht in the original StrandedII.
(Note: From the original StrandedII, I'm gonna use the tent, campfire, treehouse, shelter, torch, well, bow net, palisades, fences, jetty, boardwall, shelter, stance, and trap)
1) Training ring: Only available after you tame a horse, this will allow you to create pack mules. Also building this will unlock the horse cart vehicle.
2) Corral: This is a circle pen that has a door which opens and closes, so you can drive animals in there (using a whip) and if you close the door, they'll stay there.
3) Log cabin: A very sturdy shelter.
4) Stone oven: This bakes stuff more efficiently than a plain campfire.
5) Butter Churn: This will allow you to make butter from milk more efficiently.
6) Chicken coop: Part of the building material includes eggs. This produces eggs overnight.
7) Trading Post: This is a very special building in that you can buy and sell every item for gold coins. However, items are only bought at half the price of the original cost. So if you buy a pound cake for 6 coins, you can only sell it back for 3.
Plantable Items
1) Hay: You can use this to tame horses. You can also eat it, but it'll make you thirsty.
2) Apples: Planting creates apple trees.
3) Wheat: Grinding this creates plain flour.
4) Oats: Mixing this with plain flour creates mixed-grain flour, which is more satisfying when baked into bread.
5) Vegetables: I'm thinking carrots, potatoes, and onions would be good. If you mix them with water and butter, you can create a nice stew.
6) Nuts: For cookies, of course!
7) Corn.
More "raw" edible items
1) Meat: Both large and small. You can throw them at wild dogs to tame them.
2) Eggs: At first, you can get these from nests on the ground. Then you can build a chicken coop and get eggs from them. You need these to make baked goods. You can also eat it raw or cooked.
3) Milk: You get this from cows. You can drink it or churn it into butter. Requires a clay bottle to get it.
4) Fish: You either catch or get out of bow nets.
Edible items you use combinations or actions to get:
1) Flour: Grinding wheat with a stone.
2) Cornflour: Grinding corn with a stone.
3) Mixed-grain flour: Mixing oats and/or cornflour with flour.
4) Butter: Churning butter. You can do this either with a branch or a butter churn. The butter churn is faster. Requires a clay bottle.
5) Buttered meat/fish: Mixing butter and meat/fish. A bit more satisfying.
6) Dough: Created with flour, eggs, and water.
7) Bread: bake the dough

9) Whole-grain bread: Baked whole-grain dough
10) Corn dough: Cornflour, eggs, and water
11) Cornbread: Baked corndough, more filling than regular bread
12) Pound cake dough: Corn dough and butter.
13) Pound cake: Baked pound cake dough.
14) Cookie dough: Dough mixed with nuts or apples.
15) Cookies: Baked cookie dough.
16) Apple cake dough: Dough and apples.
17) Apple cake: Baked apple cake dough.
18) Stew: Requires vegetables, meat, butter, and water.
19) Juice: Same as original StrandedII, except it's also possible with 5 apples. Requires a clay bottle.
New items:
1) Clay -- You can get this from mining at "clay rocks." You can mold it into bottles.
2) Bottles: Required to hold any liquids. You can use them more than once (e.g. when you drink a liquid, the bottle stays behind).
3) Whip: You can create this by combining a bendable branch, a cord, and a feather. It's good for driving animals.
4) Board: You can create this by chopping logs. It's used for certain buildings.
5) scuba-diving gear This can't exactly be "made" by combinations (you can get it either through cheats, trading with other humans, or on custom maps), but it allows you to stay underwater for quite a while.
6) Small hide: Can be used to create hats and boots.
7) Large hides: Can be used to create shirts and pants.

9) Boots: Enable you to walk faster.
10) Gold coins: Can be used to trade with NPCs. Can be created by combining hammer and gold.
11) Dishes: Perhaps knives and spoons could be required to make certain things (e.g. buttered meat, stew). Bowls maybe required for stew. Can make with iron and hammer.
12) Matches: Created by combining a matchet and a branch, these can be used once to create a fire.
Hermit: Will trade clothes for various "basic tools" (e.g. spears, hammers, axes)
Wild horse tamer: Will trade hay for various things (e.g. maps).
Sailor: You can get scuba-diving gear from him.
New Skills:
1) Building: You get a point every time you build something. When you reach a level, it either unlocks new buildings or makes things have less requirements.
2) Baking: Every time you bake something in the campfire. After a few, the stone oven is unlocked. Then you just keep getting faster and faster at baking.
3) Horse training: Every time you ride a horse. It decreases the chance the horse will throw you.
Special Adventure-Only NPCs
Sea Pirates
Other Pioneers
Suggestions Welcome!
PICTURES (for anyone who wants to do modeling, I know you probably know what they look like but heres how I see them)
Squirrel: http://www.pgc.state.pa.us/pgc/lib/pgc/media/photos/grey_squirrel.jpg
Horse: http://www.fort.usgs.gov/resources/spotlight/horse/color_mark.asp (take your pick at the color!)
Pack mule: http://www.tojam.ca/details/images/whatdoibring_packmule.jpg
Wild dogs/coyotes: http://advocacy.britannica.com/blog/advocacy/wp-content/uploads/coyote005-004.jpg
Bears: http://www.gotpetsonline.com/pictures-gallery/exotic-pictures-breeders-babies/black-bear-pictures-breeders-babies/pictures/black-bear-0005.jpg
Robins: http://www.nhpr.org/files/robin.jpg
Cows: http://www.isrealli.org/wp-content/uploads/cow.JPG
Pigs: http://www.gov.im/lib/images/daff/animals_fish/pigs.jpg
Chickens: http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/uimages/la/2008_03_19-Chicken.jpg
Beavers: http://www.studentsoftheworld.info/sites/country/img/15830_beaver%20beaver.jpg
Mountain lion: http://www.qnet.com/~saddleup/mtlion.jpg
Swarm of bees: http://www.holsworthybeekeepers.org.uk/images/BeeSwarm.jpg
Jellyfish: http://blogs.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/worldcup/jellyfish.jpg
Goat: http://www.yorkblog.com/onlyyork/goat_1.jpg
Stone Oven: http://www.fornobravo.com/graphics/residential_ovens/Photos/stone_oven_001.jpg
Horse Cart: http://chestofbooks.com/reference/The-Domestic-Encyclopaedia-Vol1/images/One-Horse-Cart.png (Add the horse, though!)
Canoe: http://library.thinkquest.org/TQ0312452/images/Birchbark%20canoe.jpg
Blimp: http://www.seeing-stars.com/Images/Slides/Blimp.JPG
Wooden Ship: http://www.ulrichbarns.com/emediacms/uploads/wooden_ship_playset_mast.jpg
Clay Bottles: http://www.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/3409405/2/istockphoto_3409405-clay-jugs.jpg
edited 11×, last 19.07.09 08:20:58 pm