You are starting alot of thread lately eh?
Are you bored or something
Well i liked his kidnap mod too it was my first working mod
But my personal favorite is Builders Massive mod
He is the modding legend in the english thread(maybe not sure)
well he really knows alot about science
Well another guy is mcleaf and his Expansion Mod
pretty good work with the hair system
we really need a translation of his mod
and an adventure map for it
vibhor has written:
you are starting alot of thread latley eh?
answer, y yes, yes i am, its also fun to do stuff when im not playing stranded 2, right now im making a dragon mod, i have a dragon but its actualy just a giant rideable bird, can anyone tell me how to change the color of it?(you can find my dragon in files, misselanious, pterradactyl, yes, the word terradactyl has a p in front of it)