Ok, I'm a happy Ubuntu user who liked a Windows game called Stranded II. Still likes it. But I couldn't run Stranded II under Linux, as I'm not a linux expert I tried running it under wine, but the graphics were weird and it looked just like when my other laptop gets too hot while playing games you get it, right? I couldn't install DirectX 9, as I tried and it has "installed" with no result. As a long time ago I could get it through Wine Doors and run Worms 4 (YAY) today I can't because I don't see any programs on list when I run Wine Doors.
Is there anybody who could help me? I found some Linux German threads but they weren't about Stranded II and Google Translate is just stupid
Just forget it.
You can always try to download the newest Wine releases and test it with Stranded II, but unfortunately, some stuff that Stranded II uses is still buggy with wine.
Google translate is not worth your time unless you love decyphering what "I goodly have time mod of making". It makes everything Engrish. Hehe, swear words + google translate are funny. Intercourseing genitals!
I think aimee has probably the best option however. I'd imagine you'd know how to use them if you're on Ubuntu. Make sure it's not a low quality VM, Stranded eats crappy computers bad.
Actually stranded 2 only takes 1mb of ram
and it requires only maximum 2 mb of video card memory
You should update ur memory cards and stuff
i dont know much about those OS other than XP
No not ram sorry for the memory card
i meant graphic card
then the direct x could easily be installed
and will work
it happened to me too
If your graphic card is not installed other even 2d games will run slow or have bad graphics