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English Bug-Report/Suggestion System

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old closed Bug-Report/Suggestion System

Admin On Online

The Lab section has been enhanced! Users are now able to submit bug-reports and suggestions.

I'll evaluate all submission. An easy system will then show you the state of each entry with the colors green/yellow/red and a short info text.

The system will probably be extended with a search function later.

I hope that this system will make it easier to handle bug-reports and suggestions. It hopefully reduces the amount of repetitions as well.
edited 1×, last 30.08.10 11:52:14 am

old Re: Bug-Report/Suggestion System

User Off Offline

So I suppose this means no more Suggestions thread making? Fine with me... less spam!

EDIT: No suggestions for forums...?

old Re: Bug-Report/Suggestion System

Admin On Online

no more chaotic suggestions threads. right.

the system could be used for website/forum suggestions as well. I already thought about that. however I'll not add a section for that now. maybe later.

old Re: Bug-Report/Suggestion System

User Off Offline

With this new system, the FAQ in the CS2D forum will need updating. The 'post suggestions here' link still links to the locked thread.

old Re: Bug-Report/Suggestion System

User Off Offline


You should make more category, where the suggestion like not accepted by you, then move it to new category like Unapproved Suggestion that will easier for other people where been approve or not.

old Re: Bug-Report/Suggestion System

Admin On Online

I don't agree.
it's much better to sort the stuff in categories and not by state.
this way you can find stuff much faster. otherwise you would have to take a look in the "unapproved suggestions" category as well whenever you want to suggest something. pointless.

old Frozen

User Off Offline

At first i got lag kicked after that i entered back to the server nobody was moving they were just standing and everyone's ping is 0.And i exited cs2d restarted my comp and still everybody is frozen?This is the first time that ever happend.

Admin/mod comment

LOL! sorry this thread is not where you report bugs! /DC
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