
Weapon id's
18 replies

Now here it is.

2 Glock
3 Deagle
4 P228
5 Elite
6 Five-Seven
10 M3
11 XM1014
20 MP5
21 TMP
22 P90
23 Mac 10
24 UMP45
30 AK-47
31 SG552
32 M4A1
33 Aug
34 Scout
35 AWP
36 G3SG1
37 SG550
38 Galil
39 Famas
40 M249
41 Tactical Shield
45 Laser
46 Flamethrower
47 RPG Launcher
48 Rocket Launcher
49 Grenade Launcher
50 Knife
51 HE
52 Flashbang
53 Smoke Grenade
54 Flare
55 Bomb
56 Defuse Kit
57 Kevlar
58 Kevlar+Helm
59 Night Vision
61 1st Ammo
62 2nd Ammo
64 Medikit
65 Bandage
66 Coins
67 Money
68 Gold
69 Machete
70 Red Flag
71 Blue Flag
72 Gas Grenade
73 Molotov Cocktail
74 Wrench
75 Snowball
76 Air Strike
77 Mine
78 Claw
79 Light Armor
80 Armor
81 Heavy Armor
82 Media Armor
83 Super Armor
84 Stealth Suit
85 Chainsaw
86 Gut Bomb
87 Laser Mine
88 Portal Gun
PS: Where did you get this

Monority has written
lol Thank you
PS: Where did you get this
PS: Where did you get this

you can get this at CS2D also, at editor env_item

It took me longer to find the flags and bomb... xP
horus has written
After being thoroughly frustrated with the fact that I could not find an up-to-date one online, I wasted several minutes to compile the list.
It took me longer to find the flags and bomb... xP

It took me longer to find the flags and bomb... xP
not using Kiffer Opa Weapon ID List?

Its used for command

to spawn a simple turret type:
spawnobject 8 52 54 90 1 1 2

LinuxGuy has written
and here are building ID's that might be useful:
Its used for command
to spawn a simple turret type:
8 is building ID. In this case its Turret
52 is x cordinate
54 is y cordinate
90 is object rotation
1 i don't know, cs2d help says its "mode" i always put it 1
1 is team witch owns the turret (CT, OR T)
2 is player ID who made the turret
Its used for command

to spawn a simple turret type:
spawnobject 8 52 54 90 1 1 2

I am italian!! by TheFast94 the king of speed
Admin/mod comment
this is totally off-topic and therefore a rule violation! don't to that again! /DC -Skull_ has written
Thanks for the ip
Huh? What IP? You mean ID?

You have all of them in cs2d map editor.
redefinder has written
Lol why ask/make a thread for weapon id`s?
You have all of them in cs2d map editor.
You have all of them in cs2d map editor.
are you aware that this thread was bumped?
This was asked 8 months before