Kidnap mod is pretty good I dont remember many glitches in it and there were some exiting new vehicles
items and units too.
The items (most of them) were new and exiting such as the wand.
The new skills were good apart from stealing/pickpocketing I think they were intended for the main island.
The good points:
exiting maps,cutseens and items and as well as an exiting storyline.
The bad points:
It is relatively small,
A few errors such as destroying a bamboo monument at the start of the mod and then failing a quest because you had to set the monument on fire later in the mod.
when killing bad natives they drop 10 bows and 1 arrow.
I would rate it 7.5/10.
The next mod would be gradirs mod
Although some may not like it because it is in a different
language I Like it very much.
My copy of gradirs mod is partly translated because I translated it myself

It has new palm textures and items as well as cool new buildings .