
Shooting Game WIP
33 replies Jimbob878 has written
H&K MP5, Colt M6, M16, Double Barreled shot gun, S.A.W. (I can't remember proper name), I think some one suggested a glock, RPG, LAW (one use and reuseable versions), flame thrower, mini gun, shiruken? (throwing stars), combat knife, katana, chain saw
and now a load of made up weapons:
gauss rifle, laser rifle, Ion cannon, plasma rifle, dark energy rifle, energy sword/saw
If I can think of anymore decent ones I'll post
and now a load of made up weapons:
gauss rifle, laser rifle, Ion cannon, plasma rifle, dark energy rifle, energy sword/saw
If I can think of anymore decent ones I'll post
SAW? You mean m249? the gun in cs2d is the SAW
hazy707 has written
L85A1 Enfield, standard British army assault rifle
Maybe in the early 1900's.
Nowadays it's the SA80.
Shotgun ARE double-barreled now if you saw .b3d model.
The artilary on the train? you mean the huge one that could fire into France?
And yes I know a lot of gun names as I play a lot of games and look guns up in Wiki when I'm bored
Mafia200100 has written
hazy707 has written:
L85A1 Enfield, standard British army assault rifle
Maybe in the early 1900's.
Nowadays it's the SA80.
L85A1 Enfield, standard British army assault rifle
Maybe in the early 1900's.
Nowadays it's the SA80.
The L85A1 is actually a modern variant of the SA80(which was brought in at 1987)
thats according to wiki anyways...
I think maybe a Thompson SMG would be cool... but we're talking about newer arms aren't we? Why put a sawn-off shotgun in? You would really only want one for concealing or easy carry. I really can't think of anything that hasn't already been mentioned.... but I think you should leave the slingshot in just for fun.

NTD has written
make a mac10 aka UZI! i realy like mac10 becouse if its good damage and fast reload!
Actually the MAC-10 and the Uzi are two different weapons. The Uzi is an Israeli firearm while the MAC-10 is an American one.
Sorry, not much of a weapons person.
are u giving me permission to use ur weapons?
@Zellon I will leave in the sling shot. And yes the uzi and the mac10 r different. I was about to get on NTD for it but u handled it good. Umm i will fix the shottie but no for the sawd of shottie.

I agree with the no sawn-off. I would suggest different types of shotgun ammo. Slugs and then maybe a couple diffrent size gauges of shot.

But that is entirely up to you.