
the only thing that disturbes me is that im always hanging upside down in the water or over a field of grass when i start the mod.
after restarting my pc a few times (to test wheter there was a problem with my pc or the game) i had a look into the folder i extrcted the *.rar -file to. i was a little confused when i saw that all the files where outside of the folders like gfx, sfx, sys, etc.
i dont know wheter im the only one who has this problem but i think that i did everything right when downloading it;
first i got me the two *.rar -files and then extracted them both one after one into a folder i named "endemic mod". then i tried to start the mod with the sII mod-starter but as i wrote above it didnt work.
can anybody help me with my problem?
[p.s.: sorry for my bad englisch]
1.Right Click the Endemic Mod part 1.rar and...... "Extract Here" option in WinRaR.
do the same with Endemic Mod part2.
2.Open the folder "Endemic Mod 1" and copy
" Endemic Mod MS-Dos Batch File" and the folder "mods" to your Stranded II Folder,overwrite files when asked.
3.Open Folder Enemic Mod part2,and copy the folder "mods" to your Stranded II Folder,overwrite when asked.
To Start the mod Run the Endemic Mod Ms-Dos Batch File.
i tried out the fishing rood and i can see the animation but i always catch the same "standard"-fish... (do i have to have higher fishing-levels before the new ones will come?)
found a bug: you are also able to fish everywhere on the island, not only at the beach
fishing through land...
the ground has no collision lol
Jimi Hendrix has written
Mc Leaf yes you can use the models,anyone can use them,thats why I released it so people can use the models in there own Mods.
You may use some models of s2ext, too, if you want. S2Ext can be downloaded here. Also I've got most models in ms3d-Format (if you want to modify some of them).
And all the fish are accessable in the Editor,not in Random islands,Thats why the mod is Better for use for modders who know what there doing.You can go to editor,make your own island and you will see all the Added fish.I hope someone uses it cause it took me ages to convert the fish,and make cooked versions of them,Oh yeah make sure you Burn Sticks and throw fish you catch on fire,and wait till it changes colour before eating it.When it is cooked it will turn brown,and depending on the size of the fish it takes longer,aka gold fish cooks iin 15 seconds and snapper cooks in 3 minutes,Real time,its all in the scripts,easy to change,in Fish,Scripts
and to Ride the dolphine you have to Look in scripts and see what "unit" it has to eat b4 it will let you ride it.It needs to be changed to all fish units,but i didnt do it.
Endemic Mod Download......Its more of a add on collection for other mods,but there is some good scripts,in stone wood to make fires and thing and cook on them, I cant really remember theres alot of cool things to find in the mod folder.Im not familar with the game any more.Any one can take what they want for there own mod.
You need WinRaR,to extract the files.
1.Right Click the Endemic Mod part 1.rar and...... "Extract Here" option in WinRaR.
do the same with Endemic Mod part2.
2.Open the folder "Endemic Mod 1" and copy
" Endemic Mod MS-Dos Batch File" and the folder "mods" to your Stranded II Folder,overwrite files when asked.
3.Open Folder Enemic Mod part2,and copy the folder "mods" to your Stranded II Folder,overwrite when asked.
To Start the mod Run the Endemic Mod Ms-Dos Batch File.
edited 1×, last 29.05.09 12:52:40 pm
Jimi Hendrix has written
Endemic Mod Download......Its more of a add on collection for other mods,but there is some good scripts,in stone wood to make fires and thing and cook on them, I cant really remember theres alot of cool things to find in the mod folder.Im not familar with the game any more.Any one can take what they want for there own mod.
Jimi, may I please ask ..
Is this the same mod as the one you uploaded before, on 30 Jan 2009, or have the errors I mentioned before, now been fixed?
i.e: Is this a NEW upload? Yes? / No? Because if NOT a new upload, then I already have it.
(It is still a good mod.)
Scientific name is octupus giganteus, just saying.

X-RDG has written
Can you add a giant octupus (?)?
Scientific name is octupus giganteus, just saying.
Scientific name is octupus giganteus, just saying.

Isn't it octopus?
Edit: OK, everything works. My fault.
th webpage of the uploading saite opens but the link automatically changes

edited 8×, last 26.09.10 04:29:41 pm