Stranded II
creating 2d icons
creating 2d icons
11 replies what program should i use to create/edit for the 2D icons?
You can use any graphics programm you like. the most good way is to take the exact picture from the model renderer. (open the model file>render>render image>dimensions,the needed dimensions are 40X40) Also consider turning anti-alias off. i remember that anti-aliasing is pretty good cause without it the picture is very grim Anti-Alias is a must have for rendering those images
really does make everything look better
Looks fine!
DC Admin
you have to turn anti alias off because it would ruin the edges of all icons. they are masked. you would have ugly black edges everywhere with anti alias. transparency does not work there.
everyone who has blitz3d can get the source of Stranded II. It contains a little code to create these icons. It's also the code I used to create the icons for all the original objects. DC, no offence but a little correction:
Everyone who has blitz 3d can COMPILE the source of stranded II, you can still view the source
DC Admin
lol yeah no offense but it makes no sense to just view it because you can't create icons by viewing it. you have to run it in order to get icons 
that's why I said that you need blitz3d.
of course you don't need blitz3d to get or to read the source.