Stranded II
Menu and Cheats Mod
Menu and Cheats Mod
2 replies I searched and searched but could not find the answer I was looking for. I know that you can control without the source code what menu's show up on the main menu But what I was wondering was if you could make a new menu button for the main menu is there any way without the source code to make a new menu button for the main menu?
And secondly we all know that there are cheats and we know that there is the scripting cheat where you can run any script in game but for my mod the people I am aiming for wont know how to script is there any way to add another cheat button for the Debug menu/Cheat Menu in game?
Sorry if this has already been posted if it has Please direct me toward that thread and a forum mod can close this if there is not another please tell me so I can take off this apologetic sentence.
ok...erm...where to start...
1: this are question for the newbie question thread.
2: make more points, ! or ? in your text. its nearly impossible to understand you!
3: there are lots of thread with this questions, you didn't search enough!
4:you can activate the multiplayer button, but its not ready, so you don't need it
5: omg, i can't understand the second question. make a new, better one or correct the old one... DC Admin
closed. use the scripting questions thread for questions like this one.
and you can't add additional buttons to the main menu or to the cheat menu. this is not possible.