Stranded II
Starting Trouble
Starting Trouble
6 replies When i try to start Stranded 2, it says: Unable to iniate Graphics. Please check DirectX or GFX drivers. But i have DirectX 9.0 and my Radeon Graphics drivers are up to date
have you already tried to download S2 again? DC Admin
downloading SII again will not help in this case.
try to start it with StrandedII -win.bat StrandedII -win.bat ??? what do u mean?
the other file in the folder So i tried to open nullStrandedII -win but Same thing happened.
I did it right, right?
I can get back to this tom. afternoon Forgive me if I'm stepping in where I should remain silent, but I do think I could help answer this question.
Guest, in the old days (before Windows, even) you could set up a "batch file" that was a series of commands that would play one-at-a-time whenever you selected the file to run.
So the "bat(ch)" file was simply a list of commands the computer would recognize.
Now with Windows there is little utility in creating batch files. But occasionally they do help, especially with compatibility issues.
To put this all into a handy packet, the file "StrandedII -win.bat" is another way of starting up StrandedII. If you look at the file, it is a list of commands for your computer to run. The advantage here is that you can use various options to start up the program. Some of these will bypass some of the issues that might be causing your perplexing problem.
So how to do this?
You might be able to just click on the "Strandedll -win.bat" line in whatever directory in which you put the rest of the Strandedll files.
If not, then go to your computer's "Run" option. Depending on your version of DOS, and your operating platform (Windows XP, Vista, 2000 etc.) you will then see a small box--probably white on black background--that has some symbol (often ">>") and a big blank line.
Select this with your mouse and then type into that blank line "Strandedll -win.bat" This command will look for "strandedll.exe and start it with the options specified for you already in that bat file.
So the next thing you should see after you press enter will be a window with Stranded loading. When it is through loading, you should be ready to play.
Of course "should be" sometimes has a whole lot of stuff attached to it, especially when it comes to computers!
Good luck, let us know if it does, or doesn't work. I use Strandedll in my XP machine without a problem, so I know for sure it is possible. It just takes a bit of tender care sometimes so that all the video and audio stuff works with your computer setup.