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English The sad truth of reality

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old The sad truth of reality

Super User Off Offline

It was while I was eating in a restaurant when a thought struck me. I was pondering a phrase I had thought up earlier: "The question is not whether we are biased, [we all are] but rather who our biases serve."

It struck me that the more biased one is in their own favor, so long as it doesn't provoke or offend those around them, the better off they are, and the more they can benefit. This argument can be further extended to other people, however. The more biased one can make other people in one's own favor, the further one can benefit themselves.

That explains why propaganda and the likes are so commonly used. However, it is not all bad news.

For example, the Chinese philosopher Confucius, seeing the political decadence and religious questioning of his time, preached an ethical interpretation of the dominant religion in that time and place (Zhou) focusing on "humaneness and rightness, decency and altruism". Therefore, it is partially about the motives, be they for moral and ethical or for wealth and power.

All in all, these realizations explain a lot about how things work in the world. Or, as my boss told me in response to these ideas, "Welcome to corporate America". He has a good point.

Come to think of it, weren't schools in America designed to condition children for the workplace? In American culture (and probably a few other industrialized nations), why is it common to hear things in school like "What do you think your boss would tell you if you came in late?" Or "In the real world, you would get fired for that." I think, when looking at it that way, it becomes evident exactly who seeks to gain by shaping our biases and preconditions. Spoiler: It isn't us.

What do you think? What are your views on the world we live in? What do you think are the upsides or downsides to these aspects of reality?

old Re: The sad truth of reality

User On Online

That explains why propaganda and the likes are so commonly used.

Finally a healthy brain around many people around telling am a conspirator.

old Re: The sad truth of reality

Super User Off Offline

user Xirot: Thanks. I think you mean conspiracy theorist, the likes of which you are not. We all come from different walks of life and usually if information does not conform to our preconceived notions and the attitudes of which we are surrounded by, many will incorrectly dismiss it as a conspiracy theory out of habit instead of using critical thinking skills. It is an unfortunate truth of reality, but I am not fooled by preconceived notions held by many in my country. I don't hold much pride in the my home country, the United States, and it just takes a glance at the Wikipedia article for political hypocrisy to understand why that is the case. ( Also, our interesting international conduct ( When dismissing actual facts or experiences as conspiracy theory, the accusation itself loses legitimacy, which then allows the actual conspiracy theorists to gain ground by pointing out the times the accusations were wrong, or times when supposed "conspiracy theorists" were right (make no mistake, those that experience things themselves are by no means conspiracy theorists in the slightest. It is only the ones that make things up or build upon the made-up stories of others. People discussing their own experiences or observed fact are by definition not conspiracy theorists, for what they see is obvious and apparent in their lives, they are not making theories). It also dismisses actual (and important) problems that should be addressed urgently. Intentionally or unintentionally, calling non-conspiracy theorists conspiracy theorists is gaslighting.

user theRealDonaldTrump: In other words, continue my current trajectory in life? Much obliged. Also, it's not every day I get to talk to the 100% real Donald Trump, I'm honored
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