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50 comments89 kb, 848 Downloads

old ctf_xmas

Happy Camper
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It's the time of the year when people are trying to catch that special Christmas spirit... So why not catch a flag while you're at it? This is a CTF map with a Christmas theme. Here's the background story:

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CT's and T's live happily in their log houses. All the day they have played outside, building snowmen and ice mazes, rolling around in the snow and throwing snowballs at each other. They have decorated their Christmas trees and wrapped all their gifts. Sparkling sounds are now coming from the fireplace and the merry men (and women, perhaps?) have just finished their Christmas meal. Outside the bushes are covered with pure white snow and soon stars will twinkle from the dark December sky.

∗ ∗ ∗

Everything is postcard perfect. Except for one thing. Our friends are missing a flag to match the ones standing proudly in their living rooms! So they put on their kevlar suits and their little helmets. They grab their AK-47's, their scouts and deagles. They fill their belts with grenades and flashbangs. Before they go outside, everyone checks their apperance in the reflection of their big knives (yes, they are a bit vain, but don't tell anyone!). They look at each other and smile while the door bell rings as they go out through the front door. This will be a Christmas to remember (for those who survive it)!

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I made this map two years ago for my server. I hope it will make YOUR Christmas a bit brighter.

Merry Christmas in advance!

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Approved by Leiche

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SO A COOOL MAP! wath program do you use to make such cool tiles?
I like it!


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Good work map is very good!
"I Like it!"
I like it!


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Was looking for this map.Thx
I like it!


Happy Camper
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@BlackCobra: There is a second entrance/exit in each house, but it's half hidden. Hint: snow is usually removed at entrance/exits. Green trees in winter? I admit it's not that realistic, but they looked better than the palm trees.

@maPmaKer: Ok, thanks for the explanation. I will remember that.


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@user Happy Camper The true meaning is that when you say "XMas" instead of "Christmas", you say that you don't see God as your only God. "X", from math, means an unknown value and it can be taken as name too. So that means your God is unknown. That's the meaning.

Wikipedia tries to stop you, by writing a line right there, telling that what I said above is false, when it isn't.
I like it!


User Off Offline

Well, nice sound with the christmas man, but i dont like that:
-The flag houses just have one entrance and exit( because when the enemies are at the flag house you cant go out!)
- With too many players it will be bad very bad.

PS: Are the trees firs?? Green normal trees in winter :D?
But nice desing and nice triggers, yeah i like it!
I like it!


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The Map is ok or shit i can i not select"hmh"


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I was wondering when are this maps gonna be published (official). Looks like one is here and it's really nice. Good job man!

Off-Topic : You guys should Google "XMas" first before using it. It doesn't mean the same with "Christmas". Just sayin'
I like it!


BANNED Off Offline

Merry Christmas 2 u 2 in advance
I like it!


Dark Slayer
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Nice map
I wish you a good Xmas 2011
I like it!


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Thanks Happy, i searched this map 1 month Amazing Map!
I like it!


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Yea best map for x-mas!
I like it!


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I have no idea to comment your map. It's AMAZING!
I like it!


User Off Offline

Good stuff, had loads of phun on this..
Also nice xmas tree in the description.
I like it!


Reviewer Off Offline

Because I don't like the map I get hated? Lulz fan-boys.


Shotty Balle
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Dear H@ppy,

this is still one of the greatest maps I've ever seen.
So awesome. I like it very much.

I like it!


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seekay like the map not is ok!
and i like the map
I like it!


User Off Offline

It's a nice map!
user Seekay look again my Friend
''I like it!''
I like it!


User Off Offline

nice map,Merry Christmas
I like it!
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