The map's theme is based on the myth about the legendary "Lost City of Gold" called El Dorado (spanish for "the golden one") that fascinated explorers since the days of the Spanish Conquistados. I bet many of you heard about this legend from Internet or TV.
The idea of creating a map like this came to me long time ago when I found some nice images that could be used as golden tiles and I couldnt think of a better idea than creating a map based on my favourite myth about El Dorado.
So what can I tell you about this map in general? It's a medium sized 34x38 map. The tileset mostly consits of tiles that I found in the internet and customized, dust tiles (that are also customized a bit) and some tiles that I created by myself. On this map you can find some very nice enviromental sounds that I`ve extracted from such games like Quake III Arena and Age of Mythology. You may as well find a huge monkey tribal drawing sprite which I accidently found on my comp. Also I would like to thank my buddy

de_eldorado offers you a large variety of fighting tactics and lots of place to hide and perform sudden attacks on your enemy. This map has two bombspots which are marked with blue and red X's.
So basically thats all.
If you ever heard of the El Dorado myth I bet you will love this map. So anyways, download and have fun

Monday, June 18, 2012. Update

edited 9×, last 25.08.12 12:11:43 am
Approved by Leiche
386 kb, 1,075 Downloads